R.I.P. Dimebag - One year ago today

Dodens Grav said:
To all those who died that day. Dimebag deserves no special mention for being a musician.

You got me thinking on this one. I made the thread for Dimebag to honor him on the day of his death. I meant no disrespect to others who've died that day, I just don't know of anyone. It wasn't giving him any special recognition because he was a musician. I was paying tribute to a human being who's life was sadly taken from him. I suppose I should've included those that were also killed or hurt that night and for missing that...I apologize.

Does this mean that I shouldn't single someone out when I want to wish them a happy birthday, or congratulate someone on a promotion, shall we now have to start saying Happy Birthday to ________ and anyone else who's birthday it is.... NO we single out those people as a way to pay respect to them, to celebrate their life or mourn their death because they are a friend or someone we admire and respect.
kittybeast said:
Does this mean that I shouldn't single someone out when I want to wish them a happy birthday, or congratulate someone on a promotion, shall we now have to start saying Happy Birthday to ________ and anyone else who's birthday it is.... NO we single out those people as a way to pay respect to them, to celebrate their life or mourn their death because they are a friend or someone we admire and respect.

Exzactly! :Spin:
To JD and Kittybeast:

I smell an egalitarian rat!

I think its fully justified the dedicate this tread to Dimebag alone. Anyone who claims that:

'Dimebag deserves no special mention for being a musician'

is a damn hypocrite!

Dime does deserve special mentioning because he was an exceptional musician and human being. And no, not all men are equally gifted.

Some people are gifted and have a special talent to touch or inspire other people. In doing that they become a value to those who are inspired and touched.

This means that Dimebag to us is more important than the other people that died there that night. Although I makes me sad thinking about the fact that other people died as well that night I have a special bond and admiration for Dime. I have been a Pantera fan since 1984!

The dirty little secret in demeaning remarks like those quoted above is they seek to deny the value and special bond we have with those talented individuals. It denies the value people can seek en enjoy by admiring artists that can touch us in a way that makes our lives worth living on those moments we need a vision to aspire to.

In other words the remark quoted above by me is nothing but malevolent nihilism. But that should be no surprise to the regulars of this forum considering the source.
Dodens Grav said:
This is my opinion. I know that it is not a popular opinion, but subtle jabs are not necessary such as "that should be no surprise to the regulars of this forum considering the source" are unacceptable. I made no attacks against anyone, so why does my opinion have to be chastised? I'm not a troll, I'm a regular of this board.

Because alot of the time you dont know when to keep your mouth shut ... sometimes you should keep your opinion to yourself honestly ... Sometimes you have Brilliant posts and sometimes I agree completely but most of the time you come across like an opinionated jerk ... I'm not saying its on purpose maybe you dont mean to ... it just pisses me off sometimes :lol: If you wanted to make a post about your thoughts on the absurdity(sp) of someone making a R.I.P. thread make a thread of your own and I would happily ignore it :)
Dodens Grav, What was the reason for posting in this thread if not to stir something up? If you didn't like his playing or didn't like his lifestyle why bother to comment except to get a reaction. It seems you don't like the reaction now, and are acting like a victim.

Dime played metal (very well I may add), he was somebody that kept real metal (old school) alive all through the 90's. He was murdered while playing a concert on stage in front of his fans (some of which had the same fate as him that night). We all listen to metal here and go to many concerts, so I think it was worth mentioning. If you didn't think so, leave it alone like JD said. I know you are a regular here, but that comment was something that would come from a troll. Let it lie........:cool:
sixxswine said:
For those that care there's some nice DIME realted Items in the new Revolver Magazine, with Pantera on the cover...
There's an interview with Phil he's become a nicer guy due to Dime....

Yeah, I just bought that yesterday. It's a really good issue (for the most part). There's some really classic photos as well.

On a side note, I might start subscribing to this mag. It's a bit modern at times, but it has more than it's share of good Metal in there.

12 issues, $12. Not bad at all, IMO.