R.I.P. Fritz.

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Bryan_Of_Bodom said:
Not I, In 19 and I still havent got my license, in Canada its possible when you are 16.

You can get it at 14 in Alberta. I'm 18 in Ontario and I got mine :)

Cheers to your freind BlackAcidFiend.
Profanity said:
I was referring to your custom text below your user name.
what he is a megadeth fan???

my firend lives off methadone. he pops pills like mad: trammys, viks, OC, that is all he can committ to. i''ve tired but he is just so fucking hooked. he's being doing durgs since he was 14 so it is almost hopless
Draznog said:
^your face thats what.

My friends drop acid maybe once every 2-3 months. Once I saw them on it, and they asked me how I found them in the parched african desert (they were in a soccer field).

Then they started talking to someone, and my one friend thought he was an ant, and the ant was making crazy noises.
BlackAcidFiend said:
Okay, now how old are you? You're such a twat, you're shitty remarks don't even make sense.

OMG your such a sissy go back to where ever you came from captain i love the megadeath boards or whatever just leave me alone.
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