the mind's i lyrics discussion

RealHazard said:
Why don´t you land us thy light?

because i'm stuck with dozens of pages i have to translate by next friday. i'm sorry about that, but i'm not going to have enough time to tackle any subject seriously until the middle of march.
you're doing a great job anyway. :)

Which one of my latest jobs you´re referring now?
You don´t happen to know what I did yesterday or do you?

NF: Paranoid
@RealHazard: I do not think that Dark Tranquillity have "anti-christian" lyrics. For my limited knowledge of their writings, I think they don't buy into any sin/hell/satan/obscurity stereotype. They sure don't sound christian either, they just sound like people who are taking an independent approach to spiritual and supernatural issues. I sometimes see a cult of nature similar to the one present in many northern and mediterranean traditions, absolute mystery and power is seen through the manifestations of nature maybe... I think that concepts such as "guilt" or "sin" are not readable in their words, but then again, I'm just a newbie :)
@PeesoRed: Actually...sorry about the tranformation of your nick..
I didn´t mean satan style.. i meant criticize religions..escpecially christian faith (which I represent, altought I enjoy blackmetal bands too.. :p )

"Torn asunder be the conventional forms and frames
now for the blood of heaven
Unlearn and the cleansing comes"

-Insanity´s Crescendo, Album: The Mind´s I
Dark Tranquillity
The Mind's I, as an album, is about introspection - self-searching, then self-loathing, then finally self-destruction. Religion is often one of those things that go in self-searching...

IMO, Insanity's Crescendo is the opening of a man's mind, and his progression against the rest of society.
Enter Suicidal Angels;
Go ahead dear humans, allow someone to control your life, totally.

How hungry we've become;
like animals naked in shame
Our paradise is lost.. we´re hungry and we are without clothes..we are animals. No more images of God.. -> Facing the truth
Fed with the hooves of apocalypse
that galloped down, disordered worlds behind
We are frightened.. of coming destruction we may cause.
On the other hand we don´t respect the word of church so much anymore and actually we are frustrated.

From word to a word I was led to a word
that spanned over cultures in rage
-This line is simply about Christianity.
Crimson masses, sleeped in decadence
holding our tongues to the thirsty sun
Blind masses in search of greater power.
So, it the future still open?
So how it is going to be.. is The Day set?
Then enter, hornet, from our hive-dark hearts
to draw down the end from within
Oh please come, our little insect, original sin.. enter from our wicked heart for we have made sin.. This basicly irony of doctrines of Christianity
We need not the horns
that emanate from our warty, haunted bodes
<Seven in number they are>
We don´t need anyone to accuse us even more.. we can do all that by ourselves.

Nihilist, Hedon
the priceless art of their lives
I´ve heard that The God should be the priceless art of your life.
Sorrow is a wing laid atop their heads.
skin deep, we carve our immeasurable sorrow
in the fold of your shivering arms
Religions bring wars and sorrow.. So we cut our arms for the hope for better day
Your chindren wild
and filled with death
Those who have thrown their Saviour away are like untamed animal with cannot have empathy.

# Jupiter in our unforgiving eves:
a pandemonium of bodies and gold
Wars bring money to "winner" and death to everyone..
Eager, as a part of your face
and the sickness attached to your skin (stone)
as the wine-rush,
changing from androgynous wombs
to open free the lid of pain #
Some day reliogions die and they are like misscarriaged,aborted into their wombs.

rinsed in post-human shadows
After human phase we tranform into animal again, without god or need of them
a monument scorned by the teeth of time
time has taught us to be more rational

Stale-faced keeper of secrets,
loaded with implosive fire
the whore that carried the apostle
to the mating point on the graves of giants
IMO this is just making fun of the texts of Bible.

We look at you, afraid
to see what we really are.
If we are images of God and if the God doesn´t exist, what are we?

This is my opinion of this song.. I would appreciate I you wouldn´t start pointing out my writing errors.
NF: Exhausted