It appears that the FTP of andy sneap has been closed due legal reasons.
The problem is i don't have the video's on my pc anymore.

I will do a final search but if i can't find anything i will have to make a new one. This time with a better microphone and hopefully a camera of me playing guitar.


It appears that the FTP of andy sneap has been closed due legal reasons.
The problem is i don't have the video's on my pc anymore.

I will do a final search but if i can't find anything i will have to make a new one. This time with a better microphone and hopefully a camera of me playing guitar.

Yeah, Mendel, the new ones would be great!!! :headbang: I've got the old ones and they are just great! I am uploading them to righ now. I'll post links soon :) I hope I can do this, Mendel? :headbang:

Mendel - you've got priv message.
Rapidshare is OK if you have Premium accout otherwise it's very annoying. YouTube vids quality is rather bad, the original ones are much better! :)
There are all 4 vids, 1 mp3 and 1 .npr files in my package.
Mendel - you've got priv message.
Rapidshare is OK if you have Premium accout otherwise it's very annoying. YouTube vids quality is rather bad, the original ones are much better! :)
There are all 4 vids, 1 mp3 and 1 .npr files in my package.

Dude use, its free and you do not need a prem account, love to get my hands on these videos specially since youtube qualityis not so great
Am I the only one who is really underwhelmed by the Mendel videos? I mean, I stopped watching after half of "Chapter 2 (Part 1)" because there was nothing in it that went beyond a "Cubase/Nuendo for beginners" explanation of functions and workflow? No explanations of *why* he does things, just "it's how I like it"?

Don't wanna slag the dude, cause maybe a lot of people can pull use from the vids, I just envisioned them to be much better/informative from what I read on this thread ... it all seems very basic.
Hey smy1, as i said ( but not on this forum i believe) i will make a new one, with a better microphone instead of webcam mic, and a cam pointed on my guitar.
Ill go more in-depth for the more advanced mixers etc. These vids where more like: this is how i do it.

And these vidz are a year old and i learned allot more in that year.

And vidz are up:

*Links are Fixed*

Please download chapter by chapter.

Chapter 1 - Start up & Guitar Sound.avi

Chapter 2 - Drums and Stuff.avi

Chapter 3 - Mixing a Bit.avi

Chapter 4 - Bass & Finishing.avi

The Final Mp3:

Nuendo project File



Gebruik/Use VLC Player of Mplayer.
Hey smy1, as i said ( but not on this forum i believe) i will make a new one, with a better microphone instead of webcam mic, and a cam pointed on my guitar.
Ill go more in-depth for the more advanced mixers etc. These vids where more like: this is how i do it.

And these vidz are a year old and i learned allot more in that year.

Cool! Don't take my post the wrong way, please, I ain't trying to give you shit, cause I think it is possible to learn from anything no matter what it is. Keep it up! :headbang: