The new album

Oh crap! Man I will wait for it to be released... But here things tend to come VERY late. Probably it won't come until at least the end of the year, or next year :erk: ... But I will wait to buy the album. Man, how I'm waiting for it! And by the tellings of you all, it must be extremely fantastic! Just as Borknagar has always been!
*hoping to have the album soon!*
skidzo said:
I dont need to inform I want the album physically as 0 and 1 it is not satisfying me if only I had a turntable i would throw away my CD's and move into a hole covered by a Rock (i know that on disc it is stored digitally, too. I don't need to be informed about that)

you all know that its illegal and it actually does not become legal with buying the CD afterwards

so fuck you!!! I don't need to be informed because i know that it's great!!

I'm sorry bro but I can't agree with you on this. Let's say you go to the supermarket and want to buy a bag of tomatoes. What do you do? Four options:

1. You close your eyes and ask the person behind the counter to pick up 5 tomatoes to HIS liking and give it to you.

2. You take a bite from each tomato you want to buy and taste it. If you like it, you buy it, if you don't you put it back.

3. You take a bite from each tomato you want to buy and taste it. If you like it, you steal it, if you steal it and give it to a friend.

4. You actually just look at the tomatoes and touch them GENTLY. Then pick up the ones you like.

To me, what you do is #1. The guy behind the counter may like green tomatoes, tomatoes which are about to expire or what ever. And like a fool you buy it.

#2 is the guy who downloads the album and then after a loooong time, he will buy the CD.

#3 is the guy who downloads the album and then does nothing. If he doesn't like it, he'll pass it over to someone who likes.

#4 is a person who downloads the album checks it out for a REASONABLE time, and if he decides it worths the money, he buys, otherwise leaves it as it is.

So, to me #4 is the most sensible way. Do I do it all the time? No. I've not tried to download Epic, and probably won't. 'Cause I will buy to try crap with a Borknagar logo on it :))

Cheers to all.
i use to dl all the time when i had audio galaxy. actually thanx to audio galaxy i spend over 2000 dollars that year buying all the cd's that i dl and liked. so in a way when audio galaxy bit the dust, the underground lost a lot of money from me cuz now i shop for clips and clips don't tell it all. i think dl entire album without spending a dime on the band is wrong. i play in a band and i think dl is usually for people who don't have jobs or just want free things in life. sure i want free things too but not when it comes to music. means too much to me. i not only have all their albums but i have the digipacks to them as well buying the albums twice if i have to. that's fine by me. i work for a living doesn't kill me to spend on something i like. i preview epic here and there and i can say it's fucking awesome and i will be getting the euro version digipack and the u.s released jewel case one. it's a personal choice and people have the right to their opinion. no use coming on the net to fight over such a moot point. chances are if you come to this site you are a fan of the band and if you can pay for access to the internet chances are you already bought and own all the borknagar albums anyways. so i say leave it to personal choice and express your thoughts however you feel fit to.:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
oh and one more thing i personally like to hold each and every album with the artwork and credit and pics. having a bunch of burned cd's in a spindle and calling myself a fan is lame and i try to stay away from such nonsence. have a room full of cd's of bands i love is the way to go for me:rock: :rock:
tit said:
oh and one more thing i personally like to hold each and every album with the artwork and credit and pics. having a bunch of burned cd's in a spindle and calling myself a fan is lame and i try to stay away from such nonsence. have a room full of cd's of bands i love is the way to go for me:rock: :rock:

I TOTALLY agree with! :rock: :rock: