Mr. Lapin Kulta said:
How far along are you in the process of writing the new album?
Far, but not even near to far enough...
The concept is forming up both musically and eh... conceptually. I think I have five songs which have some sort of a tentative form, structure and arrangement. Then there is thousands of loose ideas floating around searching for their place.
The basis for everything is a massive historical concept outline, which will most likely continue over to at least one more album to come. When talking concept I'm not referring to writing an average song and just putting on text with some sort of a cheesy story - I'm working from a musical/score -point of view where the music (hopefully

) carries the drama in itself and the lyrical side just builds up on that - and vice versa.
The amount of background studies has been immense and the further I come, the more I seem to be finding material I need to go through. I see it being the same situation as for historical novelists - or any good writers for that matter - who often need to read up on a lot and also plot out a huge amount of material as background stories on the characters etc. to be able to write a good story where the final/publiced version is usually just a tip of an iceberg of what the author has actually created. My floor has been covered in piles of books and my walls filled with different time-lines and family-trees for almost a year now. Freaky shit.
My arch enemy in this has been computers. Last autumn I built a small home-studio for myself for programming work running a somewhat complex setup for orchestral sampling and since that I've been fixing, tweaking, building, changing parts, going berzerk... basically all the time, so sometimes I envy those old masters who could "just" sit down, pick up a pen and write their art on paper. Their worst technical problem that could happen was probably that they ran out of ink - not spending days wondering why the pen doesn't work anymore due to a compatibility issue with the ink and the paper resulting in that nothing works even if everything appears to be ok.
End of computer rant, back on topic...
The general description on the new material would be orchestral and epic I guess. Not orchestral as in
"I have this rock song, lets add on some strings to make it sound "orchestral", nor epic as in
"Just wrote a new song, it has two boring riffs which both repeats 16 times and it clocks in over 8 mins - fucking EPIC, yeah!" The "folk" element will still be present, maybe not as much as on BM though, but then again BM really doesn't have THAT much folk on it either.
Can't really tell you guys more at the moment, there are still so many different possibilities where to go with this, and I don't want to end up taking back my words or feel responsible to anybody for anything. I might still do a last minute change and make a funk-album.
No studio booked yet. We've been dragging out on deadlines on this one, and right now we just decided to continue working not stressing about the release at all and when we are done we are done. My careful estimation would be that we could hope for a release in the 1st half of 2007... If we go funk, maybe even 6 months earlier.