The *New* Another Fucking Metal Game

Necuratul said:
And what exactly is so great about having a massive post count? Can't we at least implement the idea of describing why you're picking one band over the other?

That's a good idea. But I'm not that worried about the post count. Having a game thread here lightens up the place some.

Morbid Angel vs. Agalloch, because I am a bigger MA fan at the moment.
I remember one game from the Opeth forum where you started off with 10 bands and they each had 10 points. Every poster could give 2 points and take away 2 points. When a band got to zero they were out. The last band left wins, then you pick a new ten. You could only vote once a day, so it kept post whoring down completely.

Drudkh, they have more enjoyable output (quantity > quality here)

Drudkh Vs. Arghoslent

Edit: yeah that's called Hurt And gets stupid though...I just like the pointless, carefree-ness of this game imo.
Haha, Nokturnal Mortum is the cheesiest band name ever pretty much.

I guess Burzum because of how much more seminal he is (not that NM wasn't fucking influential, but you know).

Burzum Vs. Silencer
Burzum, more material being released I have to choose Burzum, since most all of it is quality.

Burzum vs Sear Bliss