Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
If you're into old sounding Death metal (Grave, Entombed) or you liked the EP, Breeding Death, the new CD, Resurrection Through Carnage, is worth every penny you spend. I got a copy of it, and it's quickly one of my favorites of 2002.

Just thought i'd share my joy!

Yes. It totally rules and destroys and is so goddamn catchy. I think in enjoy the ep a bit more cuz of the raw we're drunk and never doing this again feel, but man, if this does nto crush all in its path. very impressive. great production too. BUZZZ GOWL> CHUGGA CHUGGA DIE!
Totally agree. I just wish that Dan had also done the vocals - his growls fit this style of death metal way better.
But Mikael is god. And so is Paul, and Peter, and Martin, And ... Martin, and Jon (IE), and Matt (IE), and defiantly Jesper (IF), etc...
I picked up the new Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles mag and the compilation that came with it has one track off of the new Bloodbath "Like Fire" and I have to's KILLER!!! I love it...I have listened to it a million times! Needless to say..I will be picking this one up..Oh yea...and Mikael's vocals are absolutley BRUTAL!!! Gotta love it!
It's ok, nothing new. I like the early 90's stuff better. I also think the EP had more variation than RTC
I think it's an amazing album. I love what Dan did to Micke's vocals to make them sound so brutal. This is much more polished than the EP, but I still love the EP. I need to listen to RTC more, but it's one of my favorite albums of the year easily. :)
Originally posted by Dreamlord
It's ok, nothing new. I like the early 90's stuff better. I also think the EP had more variation than RTC

Ahh, but ain't that the point? To resurrect a fan-favorite style of European (Swedish in particular) brutal death metal to a whole new batch of potential listeners? I know I wasn't listening to Grave, Unleashed, Entombed or any others in 1990.

This album just completely rules, and helped make 2002 one of the best for brutal death metal that I can think of.
I guess, but i stil say that if RTC had been released by four unknowns, nobody would have given the time of day.
I definately would like this anyhow, regardless of who is in the band. I enjoy the early 90s european death sound quite alot, so anyone who can do it convincingly and put out a quality disc like this, I am definately interested in hearing. The fact that its got guys like Dan and Mike doing it is just a big bonus :)
bloodbath is good...and that's all...people are overstating this album.
slow down guys...i know it's a matter of taste...and Paul, yes, when i first listened to bloodbath i fell like i was having my first experience with death metal, which was great...

what i said is that people are overstating a band that hasn't nothing new, it's just death metal and that's all...and i know many people that said that the album is a masterpiece just because it has mikael, dan swanö and katatonia dudes in the credits, which is a shit.

i know that maybe i used the wrong word...sorry...
np, you may have...;)

The album is a masterpiece to ME b/c it brings back a classic groove-oriented style of brutal Euro-death metal that I haven't heard before (I mentioned earlier that I wasn't listening to bands like Grave, (early) Entombed, etc.).