The new BRUCE DICKINSON album has leaked.


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
I haven't heard it 'cause I'm stuck in a filthy Internet café in a basement kebab place in central Uppsala, but word on the web is it fucking rocks. Get on with the piratin', mateys.
yeah it rules, at least what I've heard from it (three songs, Carbonized rlz nigga) BUT I'm not quite sure if it can compete with Chemical Wedding... Need more listens and full album to know though
yeah downloaded it yesterday, and listening to it all day at work this morning! (it brightens up the fact I'm working on a saturday)

wow what an album! (except for maybe the motorcycle song, hahah)

It hasn't hit me the way Chemical Wedding or Accident of Birth hit me the first time I heard those two, but the majority of the songs on here are incredible
Fuck me Fuck me Fuck me - where is it.....? *wipes cold sweat from brow*

I cannot have you lot listen to this while I twiddle my thumbs. GIMME!!! :heh:
I was half-expecting this to be a belated April Fool's prank...haven't began searching for it yet as I'm not one to download something the moment I hear it related news, all of Bruce's albums except TCW will be released with an album's worth of bonuses same day the new one hits stores.
Got it yesterday. Liking it so far. It reminds me a little more of AOB than CW, which isn't a bad thing..

Damn, the beginning of Soul Intruders is wicked heavy. Early fav so far is Navigate The Seas of The Sun.
fotmbm said:
yeah it rules, at least what I've heard from it (three songs, Carbonized rlz nigga) BUT I'm not quite sure if it can compete with Chemical Wedding... Need more listens and full album to know though

Competes with TCW? Man, who gives a shit?! If it's half as good as TCW, that'll mean that it's about 50 times better than DOD by Maiden. TCW is one of the greatest discs ever, so I'll take something that's a couple notches lower. No prob!
This is excellent. Way too early to compare to anything else (although Chemical Wedding has become the defining moment, so it transcends all)....but I will say this, so far:

Tyranny of Souls > Accident of Birth

That's saying something, I know.