The New Kid.

Not really dude, pretty all genres of metal are liked by different people, from power to death metal. Death and Black are pretty popular, expeially over in General metal discussion.

As ar as power metal, im not into it that much, i do like blind guardian, edguy though, and kalmah if you put them in that category
Oh, awesome. I think Edguy are great too. I was looking into buying a CoB album, coz I found some money in a jacket I was wearing and I've got a few of their songs and they sound mad. What would you say is their best album?
Hello, Blackwaters. Nice to meet you, and thank you for the recommendation. I'll remember to get that next time I go out. So um, am I the only dude here who's only in Year8?
Nonono I'm not eight years old, I meant that I'm in my eighth year of schooling, which makes me roughly... thirteen years old, and I started listening in Year 6, when I was eleven too! But it didn't really count back then coz I was into all that dodgy nu-metal stuff, and I've only been listening to real music at the start of this year. Whoa holy crap you guys are in your 20s and stuff? Crazy! I'm still stuck in friggin' school.
Fantasticky! I saw this thread here, don't remember where, it was a debate about Slipknot, what's up with that? I haven't seen or done anything either! I've got a band but the drummer doesn't have a kit, and my parents wouldn't let me get an electric until I got better results at school ¬.¬, so I'm stuck with some annoying accoustic. As for going to shows, I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED OPETH! They toured Oz around a month or two ago, and I wasn't there. Hrmph. I could be going to an Avenged Sevenfold show soon though... that's about as heavy a show my parents would let me go to. Don't know if you guys still remember stuff, but living with your parents ruling your life sucks a lot.