The new merch


(sym)phony (com)poser
Dec 16, 2001
I know many of you don't like the "one size fits all" in XL, and I alo feel it's sad just printing it in that size, it seems nearly as a dress on many people...but it's out of our hands. Still the motive and design is great, so it's worth it anyway, but still it feels akward to only have XL. Well. the girlieshirt is perfect and the hood also, I just wanted to offer medium and large sizes, and I'll see what I can do...........

mr V
A good idea, Mr V. I'm one of those who rather swim in XL shirts (although I don't mind comfortable wear ;) ).
I wouldn't refuse size L either ....(I don't even dare talking about M :oops: )

"Still the motive and design is great, so it's worth it anyway"
:err: should I hang it up my wall then and tell visitors: "look at my new V I N T E R S O R G! it's one from his latest artworks!" :loco:
Hooray for girlie shirts!

I hate how you can't get them anywhere (although Blind Guardian did have one, when they played in Lund... only one I've seen so far at a concert).

Being a size 34/36 sucks some times (although with a belt, it means you can own quite a number of "band dresses" instead of band shirts).
Originally posted by tenebrose
Hooray for girlie shirts!

Being a size 34/36 sucks some times (although with a belt, it means you can own quite a number of "band dresses" instead of band shirts).

altho i'm not that small, xl still feels like wearing a poncho with arms :(
some shirts, hard to tell of course before you buy them, will after some washes shrink to acceptable sizes, but it's still a hassle :[
Yesterday I found out that my Vintersorg Logo T-shirt is torn at the neck. It must have been this way from the start only that I never noticed until now (and I've never worn it). :cry: