The new Meshuggah

circus_brimstone said:
Just got it in the mail today! :hotjump: I'm liking what I hear! Btw, Matt, you live in Louisville right? I live in New Albany: you can probably relate to my mentioning of ear X-tacy in my reviews (if you read 'em). :)
Yeah, I do. I've read several of your reviews, but haven't seen an Ear X-tacy mention. Cool man, if we ever got any cool shows around here, I'd suggest we hit one.
lurch70 said:
he's just asking for another zinger here fellas ... just begging for it :D


I got nothin'
markgugs said:
I hate this band with a passion. Someone tell me why I should give them another chance.
I can see why they would drive someone batshit. What kinda chance did they get first time around? Did you hear an album, and which one?
matt99_crew said:
Yeah, I do. I've read several of your reviews, but haven't seen an Ear X-tacy mention. Cool man, if we ever got any cool shows around here, I'd suggest we hit one.

Well, to be fair, the only review I've mentioned ear X-tacy by name in is Behold...the Arctopus. Not many good shows come to Louisville, but As I Lay Dying are coming to Headliners on April 15th. I like them. *shrug*
matt99_crew said:
I can see why they would drive someone batshit. What kinda chance did they get first time around? Did you hear an album, and which one?

I had:

Chaosphere, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Destroy Erase Improve, which I honestly thought was a bit overrated.
Contradictions Collapse/None, which I thought wasn't very good.
Nothing, which I literally thought sucked eggs.

I traded all 4 of them to a friend for a digital optical cable for my home theater system, so now it sounds better when it's not playing crappy downtuned metal bands :cool:
You shouldn't give them another chance. If you had hung on to Chaosphere I'd have suggested picking up I or the new one, but alas...
circus_brimstone said:
Well, to be fair, the only review I've mentioned ear X-tacy by name in is Behold...the Arctopus. Not many good shows come to Louisville, but As I Lay Dying are coming to Headliners on April 15th. I like them. *shrug*
As I Lay Dying aren't bad, but don't do a lot for me. Enjoy the show.

I did just see the Slint reunion show at The Brown. Jesus, it was heavenly.
MajestikMøøse said:
I've just about finished listening to the album. I have no idea what to make of it so far. Pretty cool I guess.

That was exactly my issue with them; I don't want to have to scratch my head and listen to an album 386 times to "get it." Nope, sorry. I've already graduated 12 years worth of school. Please give me my mcmusic now, thanks!
My Meshuggah review will be posted as soon as I can find an album cover for Catch 33 to post with it. Jeez . . . either I can't search worth a shit, or this album cover is TOP SECRET.
Nice job on the review. I'm hoping I'll get to do this for MR. But we've got like 50 albums in the queue, and since this once won't be released for awhile, we won't do it until later.

BTW--On another thread I asked if you've ever heard of Car Bomb. They are an unsigned NY band with a Meshuggah/DEP style. They just have one short demo, and you can stream it on their site. Here is my review, which links to their site. Seems up your alley.