The New Rocky movie


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
Anyone going to see it? I'm not a Rocky fan but I did see Rocky I and II. However, I really enjoyed this movie enough that I would pay to see it again in the theater.
It has been getting good reviews. I am not much of a movie-goer so, I will probably wait until is comes out on DVD.
I actually saw it last week! I won tickets to the Philly premier and went with one of my buddies.

Honestly, I was expecting a lot worse! It was so much better than I expected. It was not the greatest movie of the year or anything, but, I would say it was worth seeing.

I think they keep making those movies just so people from Philly can point and say "I know where that is!" every other scene.
I think the idea of there being a Rocky 6 is completely stupid and ridiculous.

That being said I will eventually watch it. Its a Rocky move, I have to.
sure don't ask the guy who was at the freaking premier about what happens at the end. Take uneducated guesses instead.
sure don't ask the guy who was at the freaking premier about what happens at the end. Take uneducated guesses instead.

Ok...I will!
Rocky is abducted by aliens and is forced to face the Romulan Heavyweight Champion...he loses, but is reunited with Mickey's spirit and they share a few laughs and a few beers. The movie ends when Stallone's character wakes up and realizes it was all a dream, there is no Rocky Balboa, he was John J. Rambo all along.
The whole thing was an hallucination brought on by the head trauma he suffured in Nam.
Is that pretty close???
Ok...I will!
Rocky is abducted by aliens and is forced to face the Romulan Heavyweight Champion...he loses, but is reunited with Mickey's spirit and they share a few laughs and a few beers. The movie ends when Stallone's character wakes up and realizes it was all a dream, there is no Rocky Balboa, he was John J. Rambo all along.
The whole thing was an hallucination brought on by the head trauma he suffured in Nam.
Is that pretty close???

Are you sure you didn't see the movie already?
OK, I just saw the movie and it was great! I would definetely recommend this to everyone!
I saw an interview with Sly and he more or less said that he wanted to write this one in order to make up for number 5. And he also "promisses that this is the last one"

Kind of admirable of him to want to write a whole movie just to redeem a character. But, the 5th one did suck really bad, hahahaha. "Touch me and I'll sue!"

I liked the latest chapter.
I think part 5 was better than it's given credit for, but it wasn't AS GOOD as the others.