O/T The Descent


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
Anyone going to see this movie or hear any reviews about it? Its by the same company that did Saw and I really liked that movie so I'm thinking I may go check this one out.
From what I have seen, it does look sick. I am trying not to psyche myself up too much for the movie though. Too many times I have been disappointed by horror flicks that were supposed to be these great movies. Hopefully this one isn't a let down.
Seen it, and thought it was an ok movie. Some good suspense building/jumpy stuff. As usual with these kinda films, I thought it had a shitty ending, but thats just me. Overal I would recomend it though. Good way to waste a few hours.
It's a fucking great movie. The creatures in it are very cool, but I agree about the ending being a bit shit!
The original ending was changed. They felt that the ending was too much of a sour note and edited it. Both will be available on DVD (as usual).
Got it off a mate about 5 months ago :) It was released some time ago in the UK. KILLER FILM.
It's a fucking great movie. The creatures in it are very cool, but I agree about the ending being a bit shit!
don't you mean shite !

good movie check it out. lionsgate has the horror train rolling pretty good.