O/T Masochism!


Hosebag wannabe
Feb 12, 2002
Somewhere in Time
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Is there anyone else there like myself, who sometimes take pride in doing things to hurt themselves??

My latest endeavour has me pondering the thought of going to see the new movie, "Gigli" with Ben Affleck and a certain latino fatass, I refuse to name.

I know this movie will suck, and I will be out $20+ to take my wife to see it; yet I feel this overriding compulsion to go see it, and later despise myself for doing this horrible inhumane thing, to my innocent person.

Every single review I read of this "flop in the making" says to avoid it, like the plague. Every one. I did not read a single good remark about it...yet I still feel the urge to go and waste my hard earned cash on the most overpubliced, least talented, selfloving "star" and her "boy", and fill my eyes with which may be the worst movie ever.

So who's with me on this one???
Jennifer Lopez' acting in the commercial is already painful enough.

She may be fun to look at, but every time she opens her mouth it's worse and worse.
Metal Maiden said:
I might (gently)wash chonchy with my purple poof but my name is not Masochistic Mistic.
Don't forget to take PICTURES!

My sister watched that "Ben & Jen" horse-shit on T.V.
I give them one year until the divorce. 'Jen' kept interrupting Ben during the interviews. I wouldn't put up with that shit...
I know how you feel, I had to go see battlefield earth for myself and it was very painful. For some reason I also want to see this on as well. J. Lo has made som good movies like Out of Sight and U Turn, I even liked Married in Manhatten for a date flick. But yeah this will kinda suck, two hours long too.
ThraxDude said:
Don't forget to take PICTURES!

My sister watched that "Ben & Jen" horse-shit on T.V.
I give them one year until the divorce. 'Jen' kept interrupting Ben during the interviews. I wouldn't put up with that shit...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

And they aren't even married yet!!

Wait til he snores in her ear so fucking loud she slaps him awake.

Wait a minute..:bah:
I just love pop culture, it is so lovely, I can put my brain on hold and let a screen think for me, and when that is done I can let the T.V. reviewers tell me what I thought about it, then I can tell everybody about my recently aquired original opinions about a movie that I don't remember at this point, and then maybe next Friday I can do it again, YEA!

Maybe too much sarcasm, eh?
If I really wanted to hurt myself I might hit my hand with a hammer a few times or play catch with a beehive or something but sitting through that movie is taking it a little too far if you ask me.
Well did anyone sit throught this cinematic farce?

Sorry, I haven't subjected myself to it.....yet....
I am pretty sick right now, and well I sometimes like to abuse myself (heheheh) watching J. Lo on the silver screen would probably finish me off.

And I'd like to make my sons 1st birthday.
My friends are always telling me to do some masochistic stuff and sit through the Teletubbies show. I haven't been that courageous so far.
I´m not into masochism at all, if I was I would go to the class reunion but enough is enough. Those fuckers picked on me, teased me and yelled at me enough back in the days... fuck them. Why sould I have to get drunk and fucking shake hands and behave with a bunch of cunts like them? I´d rather sit at home or at a friend and listen to some Obituary and drink with someone I like!