The new Woods of Ypres website...


Rehab is for quitters.
Mar 10, 2002
Toronto, Canada
... is almost finished! As Dave has probably mentioned on here, we've been putting together a new WoY site over the past three months -- this one chock full of updated news, band info, pictures, a biography, media, lyrics, and soon to feature Woods guitar tabs as well!

The site is essentially finished, but before taking down the old one, Dave and I were wondering if anyone would be willing to help us test it? The new site is Flash intensive and may be slow on older computers... as such, I want to make sure that everyone gets the most out of it. There are a few "problem" areas I'm aware of, but I'm sure there are other things that have slipped under the radar.

If you feel like helping, please send me a PM! It won't take more than 10-15 minutes of your time and we'd really appreciate some input. Plus you get to see the new site before everyone else... ;) Thanks all!