The News Thread

I was curious about evidence that backs up Pat's claim about Trump turning people away from news outlets, and found this:

In the digital news environment, the role of friends and family is prominent – and for some it’s an echo chamber.Among online news consumers, conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats are more likely than more moderate members of each party to say the news they get from family and friends online represents just one side. And about half (51%) of conservative Republicans who said they see mostly one-sided news say this is OK – a larger share than among all other political groups, including liberal Democrats (34%).
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Donald Trump goes out of his way to make you're life great again, and you walk around and protest anyway.
i can't stand any news show that talks about trump tbh. last week tonight, real time, podcasts whatever...just can't talk about how shitty he is any more
I refuse to let Trump "win" by making me give up on political news, but I'm definitely burnt out on discussing him and not following the news as often now.
Wow, this is disappointing:

Trump settles fraud case against Trump University for $25M
"Settling these cases will surely help the President-elect as a political matter," Chris Peterson, a law professor at the University of Utah who spent the year studying the Trump University cases. He had opined that a civil court finding that Trump and his companies were financially liable for defrauding thousands of Trump University students could technically open the door to Congress pursuing impeachment proceedings against Trump.

Fuckers sold out on a golden opportunity for impeachment.
Yeah. And I think it'd be quite an embarrassment for him to be dragged through court on fraud charges.
Given the nature of politics in America right now the whole ordeal would have likely just been viewed by his supporters as Trump being picked on by the system, Trump himself would have used it in some way to his benefit as he's a media manipulator.

It probably would have just deepened the already deep divide.
god damn it what the fuck are we doing, who gives a shit? none of our business, waste of tax dollars and we'll only escalate the shitstorm