The News Thread

The term 'stockpile' is ambiguous. What is an amount of ammunition or firearms that you would consider 'stockpiling'?

For some people, 500 extra rounds is stockpiling. For others, that is how many rounds they use each time they go to the range.

The average American gun owner has 7 firearms. How many is too many? What if they have different applications?
A. You want proof but also acknowledged that proof can't come into play here. If it did--i.e. if she showed up with a taped recording, like one of Weinstein's victims did--you'd accuse her of inviting harassment in order to catch Kavanaugh in the act. Therefore, even though she has "proof," she's of disreputable character. No way for her to win that argument.

B. "Proof" is for juries and legal cases. We're not discussing Kavanaugh's criminality. We're discussing his fitness to serve on the supreme court. You don't need proof for this because it's clear, as you've already said, that "something happened." If that's clear, then we don't need to know exactly how long he held her down for, what kind if liquor he drank, how drunk she was, etc. etc. Something happened, and that's enough to question his nomination. It's not enough to put him in jail, however.

C. You seem to buy into this notion that women just be comin out the woodwork to accuse him because they don't like his views on abortion, or some such. If this was true--i.e. that we can dispose of public figures whose views we don't like--it would be happening way more than it does. The fact that it's happening more now speaks to our society's attempt to make up for years of shutting down accusers. That's not liberal weepy bullshit, it's what has actually been happening in this country for a long time. For too long it's been the accused who have the benefit of the doubt, when (also for too long) that's because accusers were actively dissuaded, if not prevented, from coming forward. Why would there be "proof" from that time when it was an era in which accusations like hers would have been disastrous for her? (although, of course, she did tell friends and colleagues, as several have testified) She made a conscious choice, so I'm not saying she had no agency; but her choice, due to circumstances at the time, shouldn't prohibit consequences for Kavanaugh now.

Your complete distrust of women in this case is more suspicious to me than the fact that more are coming forward. You've set up a case in your own mind in which there's no viable position for an accuser to take. I find your diagnosis of the "social cancer" to be the more serious "social cancer."

And yet their decisions set precedents for innumerable cases down the line.

The rational perspective here is that we don't have enough information to believe either persons account of what did or did not happen. I saw a poll stating that 36% of people believe Ford and 30% believe Kavanaugh. So 66% of people are making decisions based on what? Politics?

I never said there couldn't be proof. There could be something, but I'm at a loss for something that would have last this many years. It's true that rape and sexual assault victims have been historically denied sufficient access to justice, but that doesn't mean we ignore the possibility of more past and future Crystal Mangums. Specifically now in this "MeToo Moment", we are beginning to see more and more claims about public figures. If it works, it will continue to happen. It hasn't worked until recently so we didn't see much of it. Bill Clinton is still allowed to leer at young women in full view of the public.

On a completely separate line of thought: Should you be judged for your fitness to do anything in middle age based on drunken teenage behavior?

Any use of the term "cultural decline" or any sort of equivalency is an automatic red-flag, imo.

Like all of the handwringing about the DECLINE OF DEMOCRACY we've been blasted with for the last two years?
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The term 'stockpile' is ambiguous. What is an amount of ammunition or firearms that you would consider 'stockpiling'?

For some people, 500 extra rounds is stockpiling. For others, that is how many rounds they use each time they go to the range.

The average American gun owner has 7 firearms. How many is too many? What if they have different applications?

7 is too many IMO. And unless you're prepping for a shooting war, I don't see a need to own that many firearms.
A shooting war wouldn't require that many firearms. Very few persons in the military are issued more than two. Having that many is either about fun or function. IE: The weapon you carry daily is going to be different than your deer hunting rifle which is going to be different from your bird hunting shotgun which is going to be different from your varmint shooter which is going to be different from your full size pistol you enjoy shooting which is different from your AR you have because this is MURKA.
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The rational perspective here is that we don't have enough information to believe either persons account of what did or did not happen.

Very good--so let me ask this: Why should we default to "Well, there's not enough proof either way, so we might as well move ahead with the nomination" rather than "Well, there's not enough proof either way, so we might as well find someone else"?

Why is our default to proceed as though nothing happened?

I never said there couldn't be proof. There could be something, but I'm at a loss for something that would have last this many years. It's true that rape and sexual assault victims have been historically denied sufficient access to justice, but that doesn't mean we ignore the possibility of more past and future Crystal Mangums. Specifically now in this "MeToo Moment", we are beginning to see more and more claims about public figures. If it works, it will continue to happen. It hasn't worked until recently so we didn't see much of it. Bill Clinton is still allowed to leer at young women in full view of the public.

The alternative being that Bill Clinton should be... what, locked away?

Again, I'm not saying there's proof to imprison Kavanaugh.

On a completely separate line of thought: Should you be judged for your fitness to do anything in middle age based on drunken teenage behavior?

...Yes. Yes, you should--particularly when it's fitness to the "highest court in the land."

I got drunk plenty of times as a young high-schooler/undergrad. I never pinned a girl to a bed or forcibly held anyone down. For that matter, I never assaulted anyone, got a drunk driving arrest, or even fucking trespassed.

It is possible to be a decent human being and still get drunk. The problem here is that Kavanaugh is quite clearly not a decent human being.

Like all of the handwringing about the DECLINE OF DEMOCRACY we've been blasted with for the last two years?

It's not a decline of democracy. Democracy worked just fine. (see this blog, second paragraph)

We haven't declined into anything; this is just a resurgence of the same old American greatness. It's been around for centuries.
7 is too many IMO. And unless you're prepping for a shooting war, I don't see a need to own that many firearms.

With this logic, there's no sense to own more than one car because you can't drive more than one at a time, you don't need different baseball bats because you only hit with one at a time, you don't need 5 sets of golf clubs because you're only allowed one set of 14 in official play, etc.

It's like anything dealing with hobbies. Why do you only have one of what you like doing? I own two drum kits. Surely I only need one because I can't play both at the same time. What if they break? What if i crack cymbals? Then those extra sets I have come in handy, don't they?
It is possible to be a decent human being and still get drunk. The problem here is that Kavanaugh is quite clearly not a decent human being.

Based on what? All I've seen is that he engaged in underaged drinking and pre-marital sex while a high school sports stud. I don't think that disqualifies him from anything. More witnesses have come out in support of Kavanaugh than over the accusers.
Well, if he physically assaulted more people than he's been nice to over the years, I doubt he'd have made it this far.

Unless you're saying that more people have come out in support of him than have in support of the accusers. But I'm sure a lot of people do believe he's a good guy. Not sure how convincing that is of anything.
Well, if he physically assaulted more people than he's been nice to over the years, I doubt he'd have made it this far.

Unless you're saying that more people have come out in support of him than have in support of the accusers. But I'm sure a lot of people do believe he's a good guy. Not sure how convincing that is of anything.

I'm not talking about people that only knew Kavanaugh as a judge. People at Ford's party, beyond the accused, said it never happened. One person at Ramirez's party said it happened, though several more said it didn't. There is clearly evidence that Kavanaugh liked to party as a high school jock, and while I'm certainly aware that athletes are given more leeway to rape than non-athletes, that's hardly damning evidence and we may as well dig into the pasts of every single politician that was ever a high school or college athlete and known to attend parties.
I don't think it's necessary unless an accuser comes forward. Or accusers.

People at the party say it didn't happen because they probably don't remember. And Kavanaugh probably doesn't either, based on his accuser's testimony.
I don't think it's necessary unless an accuser comes forward. Or accusers.

People at the party say it didn't happen because they probably don't remember. And Kavanaugh probably doesn't either, based on his accuser's testimony.

What isn't necessary?

That's a possibility but not any kind of hard evidence. Some people at the party have explicitly said they believe the Yale flashing/penis touch thing didn't happen because it would have been a memorable and shocking thing, and not something that they would have forgotten.
You should really visit the US more. You would see how off the mark you are.

And nobody outside of the fringes conflates gun nuts, let alone regular gun owners, with murderous nut cases.

I'm not off the mark. Nobody refers to people who collect baseball cards or LEGO as a "nut" but people call others who engage in their 2nd amendment right "nuts" for literally no reason other than a political bias they have. It's a retarded propagandist piece of rhetoric. Same with this new label that has popped up "free speech extremist."

The conflation is definitely there and it is amplified by retarded leftist scum saying the NRA are to blame for dead kids.

The most the left has in that regard is whatever cans of tear gas they can quickly throw back at police.

lmao wrong. Many left-wing groups practice open carry at rallies. The ignorance of the right-wing is that they think the whole left-wing want to get rid of muh guns, they've clearly never met hardcore socialists and communists who also own many guns.

Any serious resistance to tyrannical action would actually come from dissenting military who actually have the arms/skill/structure to do anything.

Somewhat untrue. Google guerilla warfare, you don't need much more than dedication, small arms and explosives to resist a military or a state.
What isn't necessary?

Digging into everyone's past.

That's a possibility but not any kind of hard evidence. Some people at the party have explicitly said they believe the Yale flashing/penis touch thing didn't happen because it would have been a memorable and shocking thing, and not something that they would have forgotten.

There's no hard evidence either way. I'll ask again: why is the default to disregard the accusation altogether rather than refrain from nominating a highly questionable candidate? It's not like there aren't other conservative asshats to choose from.
Somewhat untrue. Google guerilla warfare, you don't need much more than dedication, small arms and explosives to resist a military or a state.

I'm not doubting guerilla warfare. It can be effective in keeping a force out, especially in the mountains/forests. My point was more that splinter military groups are going to be much more effective. Especially in some kind of radical removal of civil rights, etc. I think a lot of the military won't support it. It's the police and government agencies that are going to dance to whatever tune is played to them while military will be more likely to side with the people.
I wonder what specific international laws would be violated, triggering outside military intervention, if the American government starts violently oppressing its citizens to the point that an armed revolt happens.