The News Thread

Ok if that is your position then it follows that police are allowed to be judge, jury, and executioner and kill people based on the suspicion that they MIGHT do something deadly. If that's your position, that's your position, but it is fundamentally contradictory to the principle of innocent until proven guilty and is also contradictory to the 6th amendment. It's definitely a radical authoritarian position that cops can take it into their own hands to kill people based on suspicion.

Fighting off police and going into his car where there is a weapon is a bit beyond suspicion.

I'm against qualified immunity. Not sure how that is authoritarian.
Fighting off police and going into his car where there is a weapon is a bit beyond suspicion.
It’s not beyond suspicion. Unless audio comes out of him saying he’s gonna shank the cops or something, then the facts are he went to his car, in which there was a knife that may or may not have been illegal. He did not pick up the knife. Is it possible that he was going to get the knife to try and kill the cops? Yes. Is it possible he was getting in the car to drive away? Yes. Is it possible he was going to talk to his kids? Yes. Can we prove beyond a reasonable doubt what his intent was? No. Therefore it’s just a suspicion. If more evidence comes out, I am open to revising my position, but right now, there is nothing to suggest that he was an immanent threat that needed to be killed.

Also, check out how the cops in the UK handle a man who actually has a knife and is actually attacking them with it.

I'm against qualified immunity. Not sure how that is authoritarian.
It’s not. I didn’t call YOU an authoritarian. I didn’t call you’re overall view on police reform authoritarian. However, your position on this specific case is authoritarian.
That's a decent technique when it works, but the U.K. also had the Westminster Bridge attack and the London Bridge attack where criminals drove their cars into people then got out and stabbed everybody in sight, in both cases police were stabbed. In both cases the massacres were only stopped when the attackers were shot by an armed officer.

Personally I'd have little to no problem if the man with the machete(?) in that video got shot.
It’s not beyond suspicion. Unless audio comes out of him saying he’s gonna shank the cops or something, then the facts are he went to his car, in which there was a knife that may or may not have been illegal. He did not pick up the knife. Is it possible that he was going to get the knife to try and kill the cops? Yes. Is it possible he was getting in the car to drive away? Yes. Is it possible he was going to talk to his kids? Yes. Can we prove beyond a reasonable doubt what his intent was? No. Therefore it’s just a suspicion. If more evidence comes out, I am open to revising my position, but right now, there is nothing to suggest that he was an immanent threat that needed to be killed.

Based on his history, his current behavior, and the presence of many bystanders, letting him go for a weapon when he had already been previously unable to be physically subdued or subdued with nonlethal means, then, having followed SOP/ROE the officers were within reason to shoot to insure their safety and the safety of those around. A high-speed chase with children in the vehicle is certainly a worse outcome. Additionally, if I read right he didn't even have custody of the children and the mother called the police on him so....

Also, check out how the cops in the UK handle a man who actually has a knife and is actually attacking them with it.

It’s not. I didn’t call YOU an authoritarian. I didn’t call you’re overall view on police reform authoritarian. However, your position on this specific case is authoritarian.

If you think support of any possible use of deadly force by police prior to use of deadly force by a suspect is authoritarian than I guess my position is "authoritarian" under that definition. I think you have an unreasonable position on this, as many situations are too grey and/or fluid. The UK example doesn't in any way match the scale/situations/options commonly available in the US so it's hardly relevant. In this case you have tons of officers, no close bystanders, shields, and low expectations that he suddenly pulls a gun. We also don't have any background on the person in question. That also looked like a case of serious mental illness (not because of the "threat of violence" but because of the generally erratic behavior - and they noted he went to a hospital) as opposed to predictably repeated violent criminality, and he, in this video, didn't already shrug of prior attempts at non-lethal attempts to subdue.
Court documents coming out indicating that Rosenbaum molested or raped five boys under the age of 12. Might be faked but they look legit, we'll probably know soon.

100% defund the police btw. Free armed citizens take care of crime far better than cops could ever hope to. Right now we live in an era of state-sanctioned anti-white/brown/yellow pogroms on businesses at the hands of communist jaundice/black rioters, and every state-sanctioned governor of capital and information, from the banks to the credit cards to the online payment processors to the television media to the social media is actively participating. 99% of violent crimes are completed before cops arrive on the scene anyways.
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The claim is that they were old court documents that had to be manually scanned after an FOIA request. Supposedly it was first posted to Kiwifarms but I can't find it there through indirect methods and I don't want to register an account there just to use their search engine. It wouldn't exactly be hard to fake them, and I've seen some bring up suspicion over the fact that the documents contain names of the victims blacked out (though privacy in those matters has increased a lot over the last 18 years), but it's a better effort than most I've seen if a hoax. Hope it is fake and that Rosenbaum was just an unlucky guy who received 10 years in prison for having a slightly underaged gf, but given the length of the sentence, I'm expecting something closer to the following.
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Riot is declared in Portland as BLM mob 'celebrates' Mayor Ted Wheeler's 58th birthday by setting fires outside his home and chanting 'happy tear gas to you' on the 95th day of demonstrations.
Protesters in Portland gathered outside Democrat mayor Ted Wheeler's apartment Monday night to 'celebrate' his birthday by letting off fireworks and singing 'happy tear gas to you'.

A fire was lit in the street outside the 58-year-old's apartment block in an upmarket area in the north of the city, as around 200 people gathered while blasting music, sounding horns, banging pots and pans, and playing drums.

Activists - some of whom were carrying balloons and wearing party hats - danced to the Macarena and were heard shouting slogans including 'Black Lives Matter'.

Pretty fucking funny. :lol:
Meanwhile in Australia McDonlads sues Hungry Jack (Burger King equivalent) over the Big Jack burger

There is some speculation HJ's did this deliberately because they knew no matter what the outcome of the case the free advertising they'd get from the media would make it worthwhile.

Wait didn’t McDonald’s steal the triple burger thing from Big Boy’s anyway. I remember a big boy restaurant that closed very early into my childhood. Google says there’s not very many left but I remember their whole “thing” was the triple bun burger....
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Based on his history, his current behavior, and the presence of many bystanders, letting him go for a weapon when he had already been previously unable to be physically subdued or subdued with nonlethal means, then, having followed SOP/ROE the officers were within reason to shoot to insure their safety and the safety of those around. A high-speed chase with children in the vehicle is certainly a worse outcome. Additionally, if I read right he didn't even have custody of the children and the mother called the police on him so....

We can keep going in circles, but you're ASSUMING that he was going for a knife or a high speed chase. That contradicts innocent until proven guilty. If you believe we should get rid of "innocent until proven guilty" that's a position some people hold. If he didn't have custody of his kids he shouldn't have had them in the car, but that is not a crime that is punishable by death. You're coming up with fringe points to justify an attempted execution by the state for crimes that are not punishable by death, even when a trail does deem them guilty.

If you think support of any possible use of deadly force by police prior to use of deadly force by a suspect is authoritarian than I guess my position is "authoritarian" under that definition. I think you have an unreasonable position on this, as many situations are too grey and/or fluid.

Well that's pretty much my position. I will grant that there are scenarios where the possession of a weapon, especially a gun, in conjunction with other threatening behaviors can result in a grey area that I'm undecided on. However, "he might be going for a knife in his car but we don't have any proof that's actually what's happening" is a faaaar cry from that sort of scenario. It's fine if you think that's unreasonable, but it also means you think the 6th Amendment is unreasonable.

The UK example doesn't in any way match the scale/situations/options commonly available in the US so it's hardly relevant. In this case you have tons of officers, no close bystanders, shields, and low expectations that he suddenly pulls a gun. We also don't have any background on the person in question. That also looked like a case of serious mental illness (not because of the "threat of violence" but because of the generally erratic behavior - and they noted he went to a hospital) as opposed to predictably repeated violent criminality, and he, in this video, didn't already shrug of prior attempts at non-lethal attempts to subdue.

The point is that it is possible to apprehend someone with a knife without killing them, and highlights the differences in training that happen elsewhere. Your points about no bystanders being around is a fair observation, and actions might need to change if this was in a crowded area. However, in the Blake case, he didn't have a knife on his body when he was shot, so your point does not apply to the specific point in discussion.

This is the reality of these situations which you are ignoring. "Only a knife"......"don't need more than one shot".......etc

This case I would consider self-defense and wouldn't consider the cops to have used excessive force. However, this is apples and oranges to the Jacob Blake case, as Blake was not in possession of a knife and was not threatening anyone when he was shot.
Wait didn’t McDonald’s steal the triple burger thing from Big Boy’s anyway. I remember a big boy restaurant that closed very early into my childhood. Google says there’s not very many left but I remember their whole “thing” was the triple bun burger....

They all steal from each other and I think Maccas, (at least in this country) have filed more law suits against smaller food shops than all other business put together. Many of the places that Maccas has sued here are the sort of businesses that can't afford to go to court and fight so they just give in, but it gets Maccas name in the news for a few days so they keep doing it. It's a big part of the reason why so many are calling this a deliberate marketing ploy from Hungry Jacks. They knew Maccas would hit and they knew Maccas would want it to go public, so they handed it too them. Maccas will probably win any case, if it makes it to court, but from what I'm reading no one is supporting Maccas the general public who buy these burgers want Hungry Jacks burgers because they are bigger, Maccas big mac is about the size of a cheese burger now.
Aussies are still trying to figure out where the Chicken's nuggets are kept.

I saw on TV the other day where some guy in the US somewhere went to his local council meeting to get them to rule on the use of "boneless chicken wings". He claims it's false advertising and the area he lives can't move forward while people continually use such an incorrect term.
Lawyer of alleged Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse claims self-defense as video emerges.
According to Rittenhouse’s criminal complaint filed Thursday in Kenosha County Circuit Court, an unarmed Rosenbaum had followed Rittenhouse into a used car lot and a Daily Caller reporter identified as Richard McGinnis was trailing behind them.

At the lot, Rosenbaum attempted to throw a plastic bag at Rittenhouse and McGinnis, who witnessed the incident, told authorities that Rosenbaum tried to grab Rittenhouse’s Smith & Wesson AR-15 style .223 rifle before he was shot.

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