The nod


May 2, 2005
I was comming out of the gym last night and was wearing an Anthrax shirt, comming up the stairs is a guy in a maiden shirt. I got the "metal nod"
I love the metal nod.

It rules.

Or its lesser cousin, the metal grin of approval.
the nod rules! are you sure it wasn't "the look" ??? sometimes the two can be very similar ... both can be positive, however... Maiden and Anthrax are some of my fav bands
i got the nod from some dude who was loaded with peircings, i had my mohawk up.

my fave is when someone who is totally unmetal gives me the horns

also i like the thumbs up like the fonz,

ayyyy ! sit on it pottsie !
I usually give the "reverse nod" where I throw my head back a little and say "Sup?".:lol:
This last Summer, I was at a red light with the roof down playing Faith No More, and two metal dudes started sceaming on the sidewalk "Faith No More Fuckin' R U L Z!!!"
Does that count as a Metal Nod?
I don't look "Metal" at all though. So if I gave random nods to dudes in Metal shirts it could come off as gay.
a black guy at work has started befreinding me for some reason. he always says "what's up my man ?" when he walks by me.

should i be scared ?

also a manager recently left and she told me " i like your style"

what the hell does that mean ? what style ? work clothes a hat and steel toe boots , dosn't sound to stylish to me :lol:
a black guy at work has started befreinding me for some reason. he always says "what's up my man ?" when he walks by me.

should i be scared ?

also a manager recently left and she told me " i like your style"

what the hell does that mean ? what style ? work clothes a hat and steel toe boots , dosn't sound to stylish to me :lol:

They want you in a threesome.
I just got back from London. Tuesday I was wearing A Strapping Young Lad-t-shirt and I saw a guy wearing a different SYL-t-shirt. I gave him the nod and he gave it back to me.:kickass:

When I went to see Peepeing Tom, I was wearing an SYL shirt. Three people came to talk to me about Strapping throughout the night.