The now reading thread ...

Barry Cunliffe, Facing the Ocean - The Atlantic and its Peoples (Yay! Not only did I find an archaeology book I hadn't already read, but it's not even required reading for any of my classes...). Other than that, I'm mostly proof reading my own damn thesis or reading stuff to do with soil typing for archaeologists. You have to be an archaeoholic to enjoy any of those texts.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. An old and quite boring classic.
Oh EEEEEWWWW YUCK!! You have my total sympathy! :Puke:
Had to read it in Swedish for Swedish class, and then in Englsih for English class. The only assigned-for-college book I ever hated more was "A Farewell to Arms", but that was mostly because we had a week and a half to finish it for English, Sons and Lovers for Swedish and All Quiet on the Western Front for German all in the same week and a half (+ regular homework and exams). Hard to enjoy anything then, really, never mind a whole book consisting of "I love you! /No you don't./ Yes, I do. Don't get angry with me. /See, you don't love me!" dialogue x 1000 with one or two sprinkelings with "I was hemorraging from the wound". Wuthering Heights I just plain old did not like because the main character is a blathering idiot sitting around waiting to be swept away by Mr Right like she has no say in what happens next. Totally NOT Norse.