I don't feel well sinvce I can't even try to fix my shitty computer without my mom and my brother yelling at me.
I did have an intersting day in school though... I have to repeat a boring class because I fell asleep during class too often and the final counted for almost nothing

At least there's on hot girl in the class

My english teacher is cool... And he grew up in Kalmazoo, and whne he was a kid Jason Newsted was his babysitter

Interesting, and he listens to FLotsam and Jetsam too

Of course, they ripped up the tech wing and replaced it with an ECC center, so my electric tech class, instead of being ain an excellent large room around 40X50X 20 feet is in 15X20X7 foot room that DOESN'T EVEN HAVE FUCKING ELECTRICITY!
It's an eletric tech class and all we have is lighting, and enough room for a dozen people to fit in tightly with a bunch of equipment for the eight classes that are in there during the day....
I hate school... and there are too many idiots...