The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

@cob666: i'm bloody irritated now because of my mother who's treating me like a child. i understand she's concerned but really, she must think i'm stupid to say the things she does.
@kittie_bread :zombie:??? *looks at your location* Ooooh... you mean they really don't have Mt. Dew in Scotland?! Fuck, forget my dream to move there! hahaha! Tell me something.. isn't there a soda/pop in Scotland called "Irn Bru" ??? I had it at a Scottish festival here a few years ago. I went to the same fest this year and they had no idea what I was talking about.
@Sh0kr0k; Yeah, they had it here for a while but not any more :(
Yeah, Irn Bru rules. I don't understand why they wouldn't know what you were talking about...weird. You should move here, purely for Irn Bru and shortbread, but only if you have a good dentist :p