The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

Fredy_Brown said:
Have you tried photography?

Acually I've always had an interest in photography - I just need to stop procrastinating and get off my ass and do something about it :cool:

NL : Turbonegro - Train of Flesh
NF : like a procrastinator :erk:
NE: Egg, Spinach and Peanut Butter Toasted Sandwich (my secret breakfast weapon)
NL: A Fair Judgement
Now Thinking: Life passes too fast.
If I were RoboCop, I'd say I feel about 63% at the moment.
NE: Salad with both kinds of Olives ..Mmm.
NL: Opeth - To Bid You Farewell.
At the moment it is 3.40am here in the UK.. I can't sleep because I am ill with a throat infection and coughing my guts up.

I am currently drinking hot honey, lemon and whiskey to soothe the pain and hopefully help me sleep.

Cheers metalheads:rock: :rock: .
NL : nothing , too bored
NF : boredboredboredboredboredboredbored
NT : I should go to bed because I'm fucking bored anyways