The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

spud hahaahha :)
man i feel for ya over here its 20F outisde and by sat its going to be 10F its supposed to snow really hard tomarrow night too!
yeah man i feel like if i stand outside for more than 10 min ill freeze like a popsikle.... thats how bad it feels hahahahaha and i want to live in finland after i get oua college its prolly 10x worse there ahhaahhahha
Oh man, Ive heard its horrible there, Dark all the time, freezin ass, Nothin to do but play music, drink, and think suicidal thoughts, why the hell do you want to go there?!!??
drinking is fun now had 6 (i thinl) st, pauli girl beers and damn this is funn :) one way to beat the cold weather I say hahahaha :)
True, But what about being in the dark so much? Cool people and I have alot of respect for them, But damn, I dont think I could live there:lol: