The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

Aaawww poor Black Core. This is the best cure for a cold, put a wee drop of whisky in a cup, then add a Lemsip and take 2 paracetamols and go to bed. It tastes utterly vile and you sweat like a pig when you're sleeping but you wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed and feeling completely cured.

Now Drinking - Diet Pepsi
Now Listening - UFO - Love to Love
Now Eating - Nothing
Now Feeling - In a good mood
Now Wearing - Jeans, black boots & belt and a Van Halen tshirt
Montu Sekhmet said:
hmm, I never tried that. Is it a european tradition or something?

Yes Montu, it's a Scottish thing I think, its called a "Hot Toddy" but usually you don't add the lemsip, that was just something I put in the whisky one night and its the best cure ever for colds/flu.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Aaawww poor Black Core. This is the best cure for a cold, put a wee drop of whisky in a cup, then add a Lemsip and take 2 paracetamols and go to bed. It tastes utterly vile and you sweat like a pig when you're sleeping but you wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed and feeling completely cured.
Thanx, I'll try that if I can find whisky somewhere in the house

NF: still sick (haven't tried the remedy yet)
NL: Pantera - cemetary gates
ND: Chocolate Milk .. I know you're envious.
NE: Gonna go make a salad ..


NE: Just ate 2 tuna sandwiches instead.
ND: Haven't slept for a very long time.
NL: A Perfect Circle ..and just letting my mind wander.