The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

Very hungry, pretty tired. Just got done listening to Atheist - "Unquestionable Presence", now on to Bolt Thrower - "Those Once Loyal". Need to get something to eat, NOW. Wearing Vindicator - "Thrash and Destroy" t-shirt and blue jeans.
Just woke up, dressed for work, ate some Frosted Flakes, listening to Deicide - "Legion".
Took a shower. Waiting for dinner. Wearing Vader - "This is the War" t-shirt, blue jeans. Still listening to Deicide - "Legion".
Ate some McDonald's, yay! Getting ready to go to bed here soon. Listening to Suffocation - "Effigy of the Forgotten".
Just got home from work. Ate a sandwich and drank some sweet tea. Listening to Suffocation - "Pierced From Within". Picked up Vader - "The Ultimate Incantation". Getting ready to go work out while listening to that.

Enjoying being able to stay up late and sleep in tomorrow. No work. Relaxation. Wearing pajamas. Listening to Vehemence - "Helping the World to See". Should get some food.