The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

NW:nothing, its fucking 115 outside and my airconditioner is fucking broken and my computer is on too, haha
ND: A giant glass of Iced Tea(I need to invest in a fucking slurpee machine, that will be great :kickass:)
NL: Behemoth-Towards Babylon
Pulling an all-nighter. I have to work at seven and it is now four.
Nifelheim - "Hellish Blasphemy"
Nf: flustered, and tired also very sad and Homesick helpless and hopless in the back of my mind to :(
Nl: to some Horride thing On t.v. i think its infomercal or suchas that
Nw: old caprie pants with a dragon on em a cob hatebreeder shirt shoes
Nd: nothing but i wish i had some Juice
NF: Sad, pissed off, conflicted, frustrated cuz yesterday night I had a debate with my boy friends one of the best friend about the pressure that my family apply on me.. I am a teacher.. I don't earn any money (cuz I am yet an intern) , and my parents are strict and stiff about every single thing about my life, from my hair, clothes to what I eat, decide or when I should come home... My boy friends wants me to move to his flat, he wants to live with me, but this is impossible because it is not suitable for the way my parents think.. They are not religious.. They are not conservative.. But they have traditional minds..They believe in "WTNWT".. It means What the neighbors will think! They settled all their lives thinking about what the others will think and say if bla bla bla... I like my family.. And now on if I move to the house of my boy friend, this will be my end with my family.. And they will, so, do whatever they can to seperate us every now and then.. Only marriage may maintain what my boy friend dreams about. But also we find it early! I am 24.. He is 25.. Ohh it is early! We don't want to marry just because of the pressures applied on us.. Or because of the limitations.. We want to try.. Its been a year since our relationship has started and I know he is the one for me.. But marriage is a strong termm.. I am not sure whether we are ready for this or not..
Nf: very good, but its too hot
Nl: Paradiselost - How soon is now?
Nd: water, water and water
Ne: nothing at the moment
necromancy said:
NF: Sad, pissed off, conflicted, frustrated cuz yesterday night I had a debate with my boy friends one of the best friend about the pressure that my family apply on me.. I am a teacher.. I don't earn any money (cuz I am yet an intern) , and my parents are strict and stiff about every single thing about my life, from my hair, clothes to what I eat, decide or when I should come home... My boy friends wants me to move to his flat, he wants to live with me, but this is impossible because it is not suitable for the way my parents think.. They are not religious.. They are not conservative.. But they have traditional minds..They believe in "WTNWT".. It means What the neighbors will think! They settled all their lives thinking about what the others will think and say if bla bla bla... I like my family.. And now on if I move to the house of my boy friend, this will be my end with my family.. And they will, so, do whatever they can to seperate us every now and then.. Only marriage may maintain what my boy friend dreams about. But also we find it early! I am 24.. He is 25.. Ohh it is early! We don't want to marry just because of the pressures applied on us.. Or because of the limitations.. We want to try.. Its been a year since our relationship has started and I know he is the one for me.. But marriage is a strong termm.. I am not sure whether we are ready for this or not..
This is hard……
I can’t really tell you if you should move in or not with him but what I can tell you is that you must handle the situation very delicate so you don’t get in a fight with your parents.Family is very important !

It all depends on how sure you are you wanna move in with him.
One year of relationship is not that long but if you feel like it,then its not really my business to tell you not to.
I still fail to realize that your parents have a problem with what others say with that…
I think that you have mentioned before that he is English and not a Muslim ?Is this why they don’t like him ?

ND:just ate and will surf a little before going to bed

Will probably take that car and go to the beach late at night….
Yes I know family is important.. Otherwise I'd have gone somewhere else but I didn't..
y the way my parents don't have any prejudices or bad feelings about people who aren't Muslim or Turkish.. They like foreign people.. They know that I don't believe in religions... Neither my boy friend beieves.. They are not strict about religion.. They event do not fulfill any of their acts of worship.
But they are traditional... There is a turkish family structure thing.. There are irrelevant, unnecessary, stupic limitations, rules, and the idea that, since the parent creates the child, since the mother gives birth, then the child is their possession.. They know the best.. They love their child so passionately that they cannot see this child has her/his own decisions, likes or dislikes, dreams etc. They try to hold their child's hand before he/she fells down, they try to prevent him/her from touching the fire but they cannot see that they cannot extinguist this curiosity in touching fire.. If I burn, then I understand that it burns, it harms me and I don't touch it anymore.. But the forbidden things are always sweet for us.. but they do not see this.. This is not because they are bad parents.. But this is because they are a bit too much caring, to much self-sacrificing.. Here in my country people born, they go to school.. Some have an education of 8 years.. (they won't have good jobs generally). Some have an education of 11 years.. Then some continues with university for 4 years.. (Generally in some parts women aren't let to have a good education, they are made to marry and they are used as a stallion, they are not let to work etc) Then job life.. Then marriage.. Then kids.. Kids means self-sacrificing.. It means the end of the non-lived life... This is a vicious circle for the majority of the people in my country.. My parents are like this to... They are well educated.. They want me and my sister to be well educated.. They want us to have a good job.. That's okey.. But they still have a traditional part of mind... Etc.. etc...
necromancy said:
Yes I know family is important.. Otherwise I'd have gone somewhere else but I didn't..
y the way my parents don't have any prejudices or bad feelings about people who aren't Muslim or Turkish.. They like foreign people.. They know that I don't believe in religions... Neither my boy friend beieves.. They are not strict about religion.. They event do not fulfill any of their acts of worship.
But they are traditional... There is a turkish family structure thing.. There are irrelevant, unnecessary, stupic limitations, rules, and the idea that, since the parent creates the child, since the mother gives birth, then the child is their possession.. They know the best.. They love their child so passionately that they cannot see this child has her/his own decisions, likes or dislikes, dreams etc. They try to hold their child's hand before he/she fells down, they try to prevent him/her from touching the fire but they cannot see that they cannot extinguist this curiosity in touching fire.. If I burn, then I understand that it burns, it harms me and I don't touch it anymore.. But the forbidden things are always sweet for us.. but they do not see this.. This is not because they are bad parents.. But this is because they are a bit too much caring, to much self-sacrificing.. Here in my country people born, they go to school.. Some have an education of 8 years.. (they won't have good jobs generally). Some have an education of 11 years.. Then some continues with university for 4 years.. (Generally in some parts women aren't let to have a good education, they are made to marry and they are used as a stallion, they are not let to work etc) Then job life.. Then marriage.. Then kids.. Kids means self-sacrificing.. It means the end of the non-lived life... This is a vicious circle for the majority of the people in my country.. My parents are like this to... They are well educated.. They want me and my sister to be well educated.. They want us to have a good job.. That's okey.. But they still have a traditional part of mind... Etc.. etc...

DITTO here...

Anyway, try and tell them how you feel by sitting down and talking to them, with an peaceful attitude to resolve things on both ends. I'm sure they'll understand.. you said they love you, right?

whenever I try to make a peaceful conversation with'em it turns out to be a disturbing quarrel.. I even tried to write them.. I wrote my feelings, wishes,dreams and all the other things in my heart which I couldn't find the opportunity to tell them... What happens is nothing....So I am 24.. I believe I still have to wait fr a certain amount of time... One day.. One day...

Aarohi said:
DITTO here...

Anyway, try and tell them how you feel by sitting down and talking to them, with an peaceful attitude to resolve things on both ends. I'm sure they'll understand.. you said they love you, right?

now playing: Megadeth - Trust
now thinking: I should get around to ordering tickets for Gigantour went on sale yet./I have to go to the bathroom, but UMF is more funner than the bathroom.
now feeling: somewhat bored
now eating: chocolate chips
I already have gigantour tickets, but I may to sell them, because I have a baseball tournament in atlanta.

plus chicago is far away from atlantis.

np- bal-sagoth- invocations beyond they outer-world night
necromancy said:
whenever I try to make a peaceful conversation with'em it turns out to be a disturbing quarrel.. I even tried to write them.. I wrote my feelings, wishes,dreams and all the other things in my heart which I couldn't find the opportunity to tell them... What happens is nothing....So I am 24.. I believe I still have to wait fr a certain amount of time... One day.. One day...

Try harder, thats only what I can tell you. My parents do listen to me, but only when I sit down and have soft delicate conversations.

Also, try and have your boyfriend around them more. Make them acquainted with each other, more further if they already are.
Hmm.. Yes actually I invite my boyfriend to my place.. Sometimes we meet with my grandmother or aunt.. I am sure that my mother and father likes my boy friend. I sometimes hear this from my aunt etc.. But she never shows this.. She always try to seem strict and serious..
Sometimes we find the opportunity of a friendly conversation.. Then she asks things.. Sometimes, this stupid me, tells her a lot, while we are in such a friendly atmosphere.. Then she starts using those 'friendly' informations against me.. So I started not to tell everything about me.. I have more secrets then the things I share.. Because one cannot know for what she'll be anxious or not.. One day she accepts something silently, and the other day turns out to be the reason to have a big fight.. So.. I am 24.. And I thing I still have a 5 years more with them because although I believe that I've found the one to be forever, I am yet not fully well-prepared for a marriage.. I thing we need at least 3 years because he has to do his military duty for 5.5 months then will come back, will move to a new flat, will find a new job as he had quitted his previous one before he joined the army... Then he will start earning money.. We will collect some money.. I'll find a job.. Etc etc. etc... Because to have a better living standards in Turkiye requires more work! Bla bla bla....