The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

Originally posted by tara
There's nothing worse than a grown man pouting. :(
I'm sorry.

Wait...pouting?! I meant grimacing...with evil kvltness...yes. I started combing my hair this way because its grown out a bit, and I was curious,. and im halfway between thinking it looks better, or that I look like an asshole. :lol: But I don't look emo, not one iota, not in person, definitely. I mean, I hate emo people, they're so fucking...emo...
Woodchuck cider...ah, my beloved Woodchuck. Just arrived at HOME FROM working for 12 fucking hours, and it was a BAD fucking day. -tips bottle- :lol:
Ahh...home...where i will be in 10-11hours....

More Coffee
NF: A whole lot of: I don't give a fuck.

Kinda tired. Don't want to work... needed in early. Geez.. I don't like going in early... that means extra hours of boredom.