The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

NF: tired, & 2 oldest kids (who live in Washington) get here this afternoon for the holidays..woohoo!
Okay now I'm pissed. My daughter e-mailed me last night to tell me they'd lost the flight info, but I didn't see the mail til this morning. So I mail it back to her, & then call to make sure she got it..but they moved & their # changed & they didn't give me the new one (I knew they'd moved but not that their # was gonna change). So I call my ex's mom, who gives me their new #..where I get a fucking answering machine. I left the flight info on it, but don't know if they got let's just say I'll be going ballistic if my kids don't get off that plane this afternoon.

At least I had fun talking to me ex-mother-in-law, she always did rock..she loves me & hates my ex's present wife <neener> LOL.
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
At least I had fun talking to me ex-mother-in-law, she always did rock..she loves me & hates my ex's present wife <neener> LOL.
As long as you're not bitter, Jax. :D
Oh trust kids' stepmom needs to thank whatever God she believes in that we're in different states..or she'd be dead & I'd be in jail.

Bitter? Naah..but don't fuck with my kids or you shall pay the price.