The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

NF: dread..gotta brave the post-holiday crowds to take my son out to spend his $50 Toys R Us gift certificate.. *groan*
@Wandrail.. you can edit your messages with the little button on the bottom right-hand corner of your post.. but I think it's cute you said "like".. er, didn't mean to ;]

NF: very full of yummy tortilla soup.. and wanting more! Hopeful of the future with my man :]

Yeah, I know about editing :lol: I just...didn't ;).

NF: Driven crazy by children running around D:<...kind of amorous -attempts to propel amorous feelings to Grand Rapids-
NF: Happy on another sports note - Rick Pitino and University of Louisville beat UK HANDILY!!! I wish I could have been back home in Louisville for that!
agony..I blew out my bad knee walking around San Francisco with my kids last weekend, & usually it's settled down by now, but it still hurts like a mofo..trying to avoid surgery on the damn thing.. :(
:( Sounds kinda serious, Lady... :s

NF: I don't really know how to describe it - sort of weird, and sad, and fed up, but it's really strange... :confused:
Originally posted by Rusty
:( Sounds kinda serious, Lady... :s

Eh, I was supposed to have surgery on it when I was in junior high 25+ years ago, but my parents were too cheap. I'll have to break down & have it fixed eventually, just have to try & plan to be financially able to do so, AND have the time needed for recovery, all at once.
Originally posted by Demonic Rapture
Lady, I know what you mean. When I was little, I had Osgood Slatters disease, whereby my kneecaps slipped out of place all the time. I just grew out of it.

Go to the doctor!

Hey sure, if you foot the bill..orthopedic surgeons are not cheap.. :(
NF: Like a million bucks!!! :D (Which has been dragged through a sewer kicking and screaming by a mongrel dog, before it decides to piss all over it, and a hobo walks bast it flicking a cigarette into it and thus lighting the whole friggin' lot on fire......)

I guesss we're going to see lots of posts like this over the next few days.... gee, I wonder why? :rolleyes: