The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

NF: Okay, took a shower today and drank some beers and won a game I played, all in all a good day of doing nothing, having fun and being clean.
NW: The usual, glasses and some other stuff.
NE: Salt and Vinegar-chips.
NF: Absolutely knackered. I was dozing off in the last lecture, and the next one's even more boring...
NE: Chewing gum.
nf: sick and tired of Gawain and the green knight and im not going to get this paper done on time
nd: luke warm mountain dew
nw: blue jeans and my Davis Hall t-shirt (the dorm that i live in)
ne:stale dentyne ice gum waiting for my breakfast of champions (coffee and marlboro reds)
NF-surprizingly awake
NE-a few oreos just to have something in my system or im not going to funtion today
NL-the maintainers in my hallway laughing about something