The Obsidian Conspiracy Review Thread

:eek:A sub par NM album?....
I'm enjoying this CD for what it is - but I do agree with some of the comments piling up that it seems to be "missing something". I still think there are some great songs and I'll always love the NM style of metal, but I think that after a long 5 year wait - a lot of us really wanted something a little heavier and chaotic. I'm a Peter Wichers fan, but when I heard the comments about him working with Jeff to cut out some of the fat and extra riffage on the songs, I became a little concerned that we missed out on some of the things we like such as some extra-long solos and instrumental passages.

Conspiracy Theory: Wichers pushed them to strip down the songs on this to make sure that it didn't outshine the new Soilwork (LOL).
Agreed. It just seems so uninspired.

I don't want to get into another Andy Sneap rant, but my real problem is how few chances they took on this one, my common AS criticism.
But I'm not talking about the production this time, I'm talking from a songwriting, and sound building standpoint. There's no meat on the record. There's nothing that remotely catches my ear; I've heard it all before. The lyrics are weak (come on WD...), the riffs aren't exciting, and the song writing is complacent and predictable. I thought this was 'metal'... where's the danger?! Is Nevermore really still trying for radio hits at this stage in the game?

Suffice it to say, unless one day I grow some morbid curiousity, I have no interest in picking this disc back up.

I would agree with this mostly. Especially the "I've heard it all before". Had this album been the follow up to DNB would I feel different abou it? Perhaps I would. But it didnt and some bands just run out of ideas. And some bands manage to come back from an uninspired album as well.

As I said before its not a bad album its just there and its just what we've heard before from the same guys. And quite frankly I dont feel like I want to listen to the album there is no real urge in me to do so. I do love the title track and "and the maiden spoke". Some other songs have memorable stuff in there but man I expected something else I guess.

I just hope that by the next release they have the courage to explore new things. This album seems like rehash to me and dumbed down song structures which I dont think fit Nevermores style.

I might come across more harsh than I mean to but Im just disapointed. For years I have considered this band to be one of my favorite bands and while this album doesnt change what they've done until this point some of the magical feeling is gone for me.
I finally have the cd and gave it a few spins. Maybe i am judging to soon but i've come to ambivalence.
One sight, puts me next in line with some others here. I also miss the fury, the warning and the will to figh against injustice.
I also think that might just be the whole intention but that is not (yet) what i seek when i want to listen to Nevermore.
On the other hand i think it's neat that they manage to change the flow of energy.
Instead of giving and feeding the fire to the listener, Nevermore now wrote a lesson of emptiness.
It contains witty metaphores and powerful poetry but it is done without fury.
And why should lessons come with passion and spewing fury, when it all seems a waste of energy?
Obsidian is a volcanic glass. Black at first sight but held to the light, there's a slight transparancy and even iridescence.
It's possible to see right through it but you'll need light, optimism and a different view if you want to get that iridescence and transparency to show.
Obsidian is connected to Pluto, god of the underworld. Absorbing light and sowing seeds of hate.
But eventually, even hell gets full of shit and starts to huff and puff and blow out it's ashes ...
At that unobstructed point, it's either change or die.


My thoughts about the artwork:
The cover shows me Lydia at world's end.
An obelisk with a storm above, showing the chaos in it's equilibrium. She's facing the entity from the DHIADW cover or her shadow self.
Once feared and cast aside but had to feed it, in order to survive.
Still more dead than alive, trusting no one and still not able to see that the hand who saved and fed him, is the one he's opposing and hissing at.
Lydia's mask makes her emotionless. One part of the mask is for protection, the other seems to teach that when you give nothing, there's nothing to adapt to and that one must reconsider that what he was used to, now needs to be changed in order to get connected/ balanced again.
For now, the hatred gets bounced back and the mask reflects. Lydia slayed them all, except the one she's now facing.
Her inner balance, yin and yang, a fragile existence that is filled with confusion, is shifting through the tides to get adapted.
Lydia chose change and is forever making clear not to be profited from, not to be drained dry and stay forever unstained.
The equilibrium she once knew shall happen, nevermore. It's reflection in the water shows that one is dead.
For now to ease the storm in the sea of glass, is to let all the burnt remain in Obsidian and what once was whole, now chooses it's own point of view.


Nevertheless, i am very glad there's a new Nevermore.
I do play it less and carefully choose the moment compared to what i did with other Nevermore newies... for now. It definately has to grow on me.
Nevermore wrote a different album of depression and so far this one is, i.m.h.o., their heaviest load.
It shamelessly puts my nose right back on the cold brutal truths of this miserable and godless life.
It goes without warning. Just cold and brutal, taking that what needs to be changed to the very surface of consciousness.
Resonator? Is that you? :p

I joke, interesting analysis.

Edit: For the record, I share similar sentiments about the album as Brooks.
Okay, it's good to see I'm not the only one who feels something was lost. Here's my theory:

A good portion of what's missing may be in what they tried to center the album on: WD's vocals. Not that his voice is failing, it certainly isn't. Rather it's the structure: the verses are all sung with the same fury as before, but the choruses are way too laid back and therefore sound extremely weak, when they should follow the same aggression. WD's still in Praises To The War Machine mode on this one, and Loomis scaling back the scathing guitar attacks didn't help. I think that the last 5 years took this album back 10; Moonrise, for one, sounds like it could have been track 12 from DHIADW. I think that's why everyone likes And The Maiden Spoke so much; it's where the whole album should have gone. That song along with She Comes In Colors and The Obsidian Conspiracy are the new songs; they are what came after TGE. The rest have slipped behind.

That said I will still learn the lyrics to all the songs and sing along in the front row when they play here. :)
That song along with She Comes In Colors and The Obsidian Conspiracy are the new songs; they are what came after TGE.

Interesting you should say that since we know 'She comes in colors' is a song written a long time ago(don't know how long though) which they 'resurrected' for the new material.
I've finally realized what it is that I think missing from the majority of the album: Nevermore.

Granted, The Termination Proclamation, She Comes in Colors, and And the Maiden Spoke are PHENOMENAL songs and I love them, but that's where it ends for me. What's missing in this album is Nevermore. This album sounds like Warrel Dane's solo album part 2, imo. Aside from the aforementioned songs, the rest sound like material that was left out of WD's solo project. It's got this whole mid-paced, melodic vibe to it that, while not bad by any stretch of the imagination, just seems to serve more as background music for me.

Of course, this is just my opinion, and many people believe this is their best work. I enjoy the album and I think it's a good album, but it's my least favorite of all of them.
Let's all keep this in perspective - since most of us are longtime fans, we tend to scrutinize this more than the average person would. Comparatively speaking, there isn't anything else out right now in the metal world that is any better. Some may disagree - but I listen to the metal channels on Sirius satellite radio most of the day at work and I hear just about all the new music and none of it is getting me to kick T.O.C. out of the cd player.
My thoughts on the album:

In Without Morals, Warrel seems to forget the H sometimes, and instead sings "This is why I ate you"... I find this to be somewhat amusing.

Edit: At least I don't hear any H.. which makes it funny to me, anyway
I think that a lot of the problem with Praises and TOC come personally from Peter... I cannot stand Soilwork and both of those albums feature the feelings and nuances that bothers me most about. I should also mention that I feel that this has a lot of "hardcore" influence and the breakdowns are very weak. I've loved every single note and phrase that Jeff played in his career but this album is practically unlisten-to-able. Also, Warrel really sang in the same way as his solo album and it personally feels dry of all the dramatics he used to incorporate most strongly in Dreaming Neon Black. I personally feel that this album is somewhere close to 3-4 out of 10... and it breaks my heart to say so.:cry:
Let's all keep this in perspective - since most of us are longtime fans, we tend to scrutinize this more than the average person would. Comparatively speaking, there isn't anything else out right now in the metal world that is any better. Some may disagree - but I listen to the metal channels on Sirius satellite radio most of the day at work and I hear just about all the new music and none of it is getting me to kick T.O.C. out of the cd player.

I think Nevermore carreer has a better quality than most. However lots of band have released better records than TOC. I hope its not a sign of things to come and I hope they get some creativity back and dare to try new things for the next album. Some bands bounce back from a lacking release while other dont. I hope Nevermore will be in the first category.
I think that a lot of the problem with Praises and TOC come personally from Peter... I cannot stand Soilwork and both of those albums feature the feelings and nuances that bothers me most about. I should also mention that I feel that this has a lot of "hardcore" influence and the breakdowns are very weak. I've loved every single note and phrase that Jeff played in his career but this album is practically unlisten-to-able. Also, Warrel really sang in the same way as his solo album and it personally feels dry of all the dramatics he used to incorporate most strongly in Dreaming Neon Black. I personally feel that this album is somewhere close to 3-4 out of 10... and it breaks my heart to say so.:cry:

I kind of agree with that. Even though, to me, TOC is a great, great album, I do think it would have been a little better if the band produced it themselves instead of Peter. I think they've been around long enough to know what sounds good and what doesn't to them, but that's just me.