
Jun 21, 2003
Marikina City, Philippines
Here's a piece I wrote when I was still in college, for a Creative Writing class. I thought of the album V, and said to myself, "Why the heck not." So I composed a story based on that concept album.

Will be posting the piece chapter by chapter (separated by posts, if Jax allows :D). Comments are welcome, flames too; just keep them content-related and constructive.

Here it is, without further ado.



To the one who would open this book, my greetings of peace.

I am known as Octavius, a sort of scholar who lived in England sometime during the 17th Century. I would rather keep my identity a secret--in the passage you will be reading, names are but infinitesimal. Most of my ilk call me a sage, but I find that title flattering and worthy of more attention than what would be naturally deserved of a person in my status. I fancy myself as a scholar living in an ivory tower, nothing more, nothing less. Through the course of my travels, I have come across a lot of readings, met and conversed with probably myriads of people, and witnessed a few unnatural events--events that lend credence to what I have unearthed during my travels to Egypt.

You see, I came across a burial ground that had some very intriguing inscriptions on its walls. The translator who was traveling with me, Abu (may the Heavens bless this man, wherever he is at present), saw it and became petrified in fear. "Awaken all from Set-Amentet..." was what one inscription read. The other, "..the Law of One will fade and die.." I was piqued at first. I never wanted to commission a man with steely nerves, a steady aim, and a strong swordarm that curls up like an infant in fright at the sight of some writing on the wall. Reason was with me, though, and got the better of me as I asked my partner why was he troubled.

Abu spoke in lapses. He was telling of an event nearly forgotten by historians such as myself. According to him, we stumbled across a temple of Montu-Sekhmet, cleverly disguised as a burial ground. Montu-Sekhmet, an unnatural deity possessing both male and female qualities. This deity is the God of War/Goddess of Destruction, the so-called "Bringer of War". The followers of this deity hold the whole world hostage, Abu said. And their stranglehold on this world started some thousand years ago, in an event that would not be beholden to you if you live your normal life.

Unnerved beyond belief, I told Abu that night is falling, and we must find rest at an inn. He made no effort to resist, knowing the obvious fact. As we sat down to a supper of unleavened bread, stewed lamb and some goat's cheese, Abu told me a little more about himself. He is an Egyptian, through and through, but he belonged to a long lineage of Nubians, the race from whence the pharaohs came. I had difficulty believing him at first, but then, a lazy thought crept up to me. He had a quaint resemblance to Ramses II. But I quickly let the thought perish as Abu related his past to me.

Having traced his lineage back to the Nubians, I thought to myself, "Could this hark back to the story of Atlantis?" I asked that to my cohort, and then I was immediately stunned by what I saw. Abu, in an instant, became bathed in light. He was floating, with arms in a cruciform. He then began to speak, although I was hearing a distinctively female voice.
wow. seems like it will be an interesting story.ant wait to read the next part.pls post those quickly.keep it up.blessings

“In articulus sic aeternus,
Spiritus donec dies fas,
Dies Irae, Dies Illa,
Solvet saeclum in favilla...”

Symphony X – “Prelude”


I then realized that it was not Abu speaking. In awe, I heard these words:

"My tidings of peace to you, sage. I am Ma'at, the Goddess of Truth. I am speaking to you through the help of this Nubian.
You know about that lost continent, do you not?"

"Yes, but only a bit," I said. She obviously called me "sage", but I felt that I had no time to reflect on it in reverie.

"Then allow me to tell you what you need to know. I sense the yearning within you, sage. I know you toil about in historical places, reflecting on the clamor of antiquity and the regalia of ages once lost. Truth to tell, I have been yearning for someone who I could tell this to."

"Goddess of Truth," I said, "surely there are others who deserve this, this honor more than I do? I am but a lowly historian, who derives pleasure being holed up in some library."

"Please, I implore you to hear me," Ma'at said. "I choose you, of all those who fancy themselves as wise, to hear me and learn of what has gone before, what is taking place now, and what would be seen in the future. The Nubian with you right now...he speaks truth. Coming from a long line of kings nearly forgotten, he holds my words as a secret in his blood. But I am getting ahead of myself, sage. You would want to know about Atlantis, correct?"

"Yes, if it's not much to ask," I replied.

" amuse me with your modesty, sage. All the more reason to be enamored of you. Fear not, I was once mortal, like you. Truth to tell, I was born in Atlantis, at a very chaotic time."

"You were born in Atlantis? Is this a jest?"

"I don't jest, sage. Not that much, at least. Now, please, let me go on."

"Why, of course," I said, while rummaging for a pen and my notes.

"Interesting. You mean to take down what I will be saying to you. Well met, sage. I shall then tell you all you need to know, under a condition that you must fulfill afterwards."

"A condition? This is amusing, to say the least."

"Yes, you heard me correctly. I ask of you a very small favor. Small in exchange for the wealth of knowledge that will pour forth from this Nubian's mouth, through the intercession of the gods."

"All right then," I said while nodding in concurrence. "I have not the slightest idea what you would want of me, but I am prepared to hear it and fulfill it to the best of my capabilities.

From here on, you will be seeing the words of Ma'at, as transcribed by this scholar. I have read this verse somewhere, and I'd like to borrow it for our purposes:

isn't it actually a story based on a story, which is based on a story?

Anyway, I never expected to ready Symphony X fanfic :D
Keep on posting it.
Haha, this is so amazing. You are amazing.
You are not the only one to write of Symphony X'ness. I'm actually writing a story based loosely on Eyes of Medusa.

“Here we are, children of sun and stars,
the first to know and to understand,
Living by the Law of The Ages,
Prophets and sages—forging uptopia...”

Symphony X – “Evolution”


"Sage, I speak of an age-old time. A time where ethereal, cosmic intelligence found its way and took flesh. These beings were my brothers, the Atlanteans. They settled here, in what you people call the Lost Continent. Spanning miles upon miles, our territory was the islands of Og, Aryan, and Poseidia. The first of our kind, the progenitor, is the great Ptah-Khnemu. Known to you as the "Creator/Projector - Enricher", he is the High Priest of the Temple of Ra, chief god of the ancient Egyptians."

"Reading your thoughts, I tell you: Yes, the ancient Egyptians have a link to us Atlanteans, and allow me to tell you of it later. Ptah-Khnemu is the ruler of our civilization, and we were the Sons and Daughters of the Law of One. Being the much-touted “Keepers of Truth” they your kind invokes in rediscovering antiquities, we were technologically advanced, and our knowledge was beyond comprehension, since we were born out of sentient intelligence...intelligence that took shape in the form of human flesh."

"My forebears were greatly impressed with their ability to take physical form, and they sought to merge their energies to create new beings. ““Five shall be as One,”” was their aim, to live forever and become gods here on earth. But alas, the power of the five Crystalline Spheres was too much to bear. The Grand Design, the plan to create new beings to manifest divinity on earth, was a catastrophe."

"They wanted to become gods here on earth, and sought to make their powers manifest. But their best efforts resulted in manifestations of a lethal kind of folly. The natural evolution of beings was disrupted, its ebb and flow impeded by the surge of immense energy from the merging of the five Spheres. This resulted in a division among the ranks of my forebears. And I tell you, sage, that the ramifications of that schism persists to this day."

"The first being to be created from the merging of the Spheres was an abomination. A being created from the desire for domination that looked nothing like those responsible for its conception. This being, created from the ancient magic, the Power of the Five spheres, is none other than the deity you saw in the temple this afternoon."

I interrupted. "Montu-Sekhmet," were the words that escaped my lips.

"Correct. Half-human, half-snake, Montu-Sekhmet is the first of those aberrations that my forebears inadvertently created. He represents everything that our Progenitor, Ptah-Khnemu is not. He lives for domination, for conquest. And he will stop at virtually nothing to reach his goal. He is the very subversion of the sentience, that body of cosmic intelligence that was responsible for the coming of Atlanteans to being."

"Could you say, antithesis, Goddess of Truth?" I said, interrupting again. It was evident, my inquisitive nature was making its presence felt.

"Yes. Now please do allow me to continue."

I diligently wrote down these things, and much, much more that would follow. I knew not who was I writing this for, but nonetheless, a feeling pervaded inside of me. I felt that a greater travesty would result from letting this vision go unchecked.

“Alone I walk--among the twisting shadows,
Tempted by an ancient magic, The Power of Five;
My desire to mirror my own image
And I will offer you no soul...
Offer you no soul!!”

Symphony X – “Fallen”


"I tell you, sage, Montu-Sekhmet, the first of his kind, is a thing to abhor. But so were the other beings created from the ancient magic. Altered beyond recognition, they had hooves, and were half-man, half-beast. They were seen as monsters to loathe and hate, and so they were banished from Atlantis. They were numerous, and they were awaiting the time that their collective wrath will be made manifest."

"The plot thickens from here," I said, chuckling.

"Yes, sage. I have to agree with you. From here on, you will realize that the story you are hearing is one of great magnitude."

"Realizing that his existence was not welcome, Montu-Sekhmet sought to destroy us while staying in the swamplands outside Atlantis. His kind grew in numbers, and so did their hatred. They were constantly preparing for the night that the light will be eclipsed by darkness. They meant to rise up and swallow all that the Sons of the Law of One stood for, and to throw us asunder. They were the Children of Belial."

"Belial...that's it not? Rather, it's a corruption of the Hebrew word for ungodliness..." I thought to myself.

"Impurity, like all things evil, transcends the barriers of language, sage," Ma'at said, once again reading my thoughts.

"When my forebears realized this, they sought help from the heavens. War was not an option for us. The pursuit of knowledge and divinity was all we had, and we were content with it. We loathed war, and would ideally want disagreements to be tackled by dialogue, not swords.”

“Naturally, people concerned with the pursuit of knowledge have no use for war or violence,” I remarked, realizing a common thread that binds Ma’at and !.

"So they asked for supplication from above, and I was thrust in the fray. I was but a child back then, but my purpose was clear: to wield the brand of Order and set things in place. With the Sons of the Law of One, thought precedes flesh. And flesh is borne out of thought that seeks to make itself manifest."

“All we know, now has come undone,
Balance lost ‘tween the Moon and Sun—
Hear our prayer, Keeper of the skies divine,
Upon us all, let your wisdom shine—

Symphony X – “Communion and the Oracle”


"In my youth, I bore the immense yoke of responsibility and the ramifications of my task. I needed to tell my people that the Law of One must be observed, and that order must rule over chaos. I was young, but the wisdom of the Ages was with me."

"You don't look that old at all now," I said, not being able to hold my tongue.

"I seek your resolve to pursue wisdom, not your jests, sage," Ma'at retorted. "Now, if you could look beyond your feebleness into what is before you at the moment, tell me, what do you see?"

At that point, I saw Abu's physical features change. He became shorter, his skin darker, his hair longer, and the rest of his body, transfiguring and changing shape to that of a woman, a very young woman at that. Her beauty was immense, and I had to take my eyes off of her. Her beauty, clearly, is not meant to be gazed upon by mortal eyes.

"Sage, I am only able to take this guise for a moment. I am merely showing you how I looked like...before."

"Before?" I asked, while Ma'at continues to speak while I see the body of Abu again taking its former shape.

"The Children of Belial were clearly not interested in propagating a new Order of Equality. Day and night, while I sought to make my purpose felt by my people, Montu-Sekhmet and his minions were at my throat."

"They wanted you dead, then," I said.

"You could say that,” Ma’at replied in agreement.

“An oracle of your stature did not have a place in a theater preparing for war.”

“You allude to culture, sage. Interesting.”

“Now, foreseeing that peace would not be achieved without war, my people once again summoned the power of the Spheres. This time, they created a weapon of immense power that would supposedly get rid of their dark counterparts forever. I warned them, saying that they are building a device that will herald their own demise. I told them nothing will come out of that endeavor, but my words were put aside. My words were scorned, and not a single Atlantean believed me.”

“War ensued, and it seemed like I was going to my watery end along with my people who succumbed to folly. Atlantis was utterly destroyed by the weapon that was supposed to protect it from the Serpents of Montu-Sekhmet. Poseidon knew of my plight, though, and sent his waves to carry me to safety, to a new land, and possibly, a new hope.

“You were literally plucked from the impending doom that befell Atlantis, and saved from the sea that became a kingdom’s grave. Surely your purpose is grand in magnitude to be afforded such a privilege,” I said. “All the more reason why I should pay heed to what you are saying.”

And continue to pay heed I did.


“And all Atlantis cried (a million souls crying out),
Save the child from the sea (she must carry on)—
The secrets and technology shrouded deep in mystery...
(only one will carry on..) carry on!”

Symphony X – “The Bird/Serpent War/Cataclysm”

“Gaze in these eyes, my child and see,
here by my side you’re destined to be;
Fears in the night, flee with the Sun
If we are One...

Kingdom of gold, I lay at your feet,
Ruler of Time and Space you will be,
Rivers of Truth forever will run,
If we are One...”

Symphony X – “Egypt”


“I arrived at the shores of the land that you call Egypt now. I was brought to the king by the inhabitants of the land.” Alnantees and its ancient sands was a marked contrast from the lush scenery of Atlantis.”

“The inhabitants of Alnantees also worshipped Ra, which I found to be a great development. Their technology was markedly more primitive, but it suited their needs. I was also amazed at the thought that the scholars, the artisans and wise men...all of them worshipped Ptah, the Progenitor of my now-forgotten race.”

“I met the king, and he quickly noticed that I am not an ordinary child swept to shore. Remembering my mission, I spoke in signs, in cryptic language. His scholars surmised that I was an oracle, a prophet-- sent to bestow fortune on his people. The king was enamored of me—he showered me with riches and invited me to live lavishly with him. I thought nothing of his advances, sensing the gravity of my mission and its ramifications should I stray from it. I felt no need to bask in the pleasures of life that the king offered at my feet.”

“The king’s scholars made note of my words, studied it, and put them together in a book that has since then been lost in time. This book was supposed to be kept for future generations to know and help spread the Ways of Balance.”

“There was a book?” I asked. I thought I could find it somewhere, as I have found myself captive to this very astonishing vision.

“Yes, sage. But I know not of its whereabouts now. Not after Montu-Sekhmet and his army came to Alnantees one fateful day.”

“The king’s prophets, for all their diligence, did not foresee the coming of the Bringer of War. I warned them of it, but they paid me no heed.”

“His army was vast. Comprised of the ageless Serpents from Atlantis, he has also enlisted the help of the undead of Set-Amentet. The mountains of the underworld are filled with vengeful beings and foul demons, all bent to the will of the Progenitor of Aberrations. The king of Alnantees was powerless, and soon I was in the grasp of Montu-Sekhmet. Ptah-Khnemu arrived, and a battle took place. As darkness was about to lose out to the light, Montu-Sekhmet killed me, absorbing the Power of Five in full. With my last breath flowed Balance, throwing all civilizations that followed in a dark age.”

“With my death, Ptah-Khnemu was powerless, as my energies inadvertently fueled the growing darkness cast by Montu-Sekhmet all over the world.


“Gaze in these eyes, my child and see,
here by my side you’re destined to be;
Fears in the night, chasing the Sun
now we are One...

Kingdom of gold now lay at my feet,
Ruler of Time and Space I will be,
Rivers of Lies forever will run,
now we are One...”

Symphony X – “Egypt”

“Now at my feet, the dying voice of Balance,
never more shall there be
a way to fly, a way to fly on wings
of Divinity as words and wisdom fade away—

The Law of One will fade and die...
The rising moon will crush the sky!”

Symphony X – “Absence of Light”


“If I may interject,” I said, “Do you mean to tell me that you are incorporeal?”

“Sage, in a sense, you may think that. But rest assured, I am alive. In an ethereal sense, that is. Now, please let me continue. I have not much time.”

“Now tell me. All the evil that you sense today...bending the laws of nature, the eradication of the wisdom of ages old, the senseless wars, the worship of evil...have you ever wondered why you are such in a cycle, sage? A cycle that is doomed to take its toll on every soul living in this earth? A cycle that is incessantly fueled by a wellspring of darkness?”

For a minute, I reflected on her story and its connection to all that has been happening to mankind. All the wars, the advancements in science that lead to the destruction of life instead of its propagation, the blatant warping of all that is right and its subversion to evil deeds, all the corruption gripping the rulers of every nation...the answer was staring me at the face. She is right. The truth behind her words shone like the blinding aura of radiance that emanates from her as we speak. Now I realize that being a mortal, I am also engulfed in this vicious cycle.

“Seeing this vision, and partaking of my knowledge, you now know that which has been obfuscated through the years. Evil has made even your ilk believe that theirs is an eternal paradise, when in actuality, it is a paradise for fools, where the absence of light rules all that they know and crushes all opposition asunder. Now you know, through your efforts, why I, the Goddess of Order and Truth, chose you above all else.”

“Yes, it is clear to me,” I replied. “I see your hand in all of this.”

“I am thankful for having imparted all this knowledge to you, sage. Had I not found you, I would have gone to spend an eternity as a failure.”

“As is clear to you now, sage, much of your days is spent on merely rediscovering the information, the wealth of knowledge that was my people’s culture. This wealth of knowledge knows no bounds, and is not fettered by anyone...or anything. Some knowledge is good, some, evil, as evinced by the story of Montu-Sekhmet.”

“The concept of dualism,” I muttered.

“Yes, you could say that,” Ma’at replied. “All the more reason why I implore your help, sage.”

“Does this have something to do with the favor you ask of me?”

“You are performing that which I ask of you now. By writing down my words, you are ensuring the rediscovery of a tale that harks back to the Ages. A tale that is both of the essence and ancient.”

“Well, yes, I see your point, but, how do we avert all that has happened since you fell victim to the Progenitor of Aberrations? Will we just allow this vicious cycle to continue unperturbed and with impunity?” I asked, obviously puzzled.

“The answer to that I leave to your compatriot, Abu. Sage, it has been nice conversing with you. My fervent hope is that you would learn from this body of sentient knowledge as this body of sentient knowledge has learned from you.”

After a brief pause, Ma’at continues: “This will not be the last time you will hear of me. My thoughts, my essence—are locked in the Ages, awaiting he who wishes to partake of me and learn from me.”

And with those words, I was left in the night to contemplate the words of Ma’at. It has been a very momentous conversation, to say the least, although this is certainly not the type of story that goes back to the shelf after being read. The next day, I shall have asked of Abu to tell me what I need to know for humanity to be saved.


“Is this the end of all we know,
innocence lost so long ago,
woven in dreams—the darkest of schemes
now takes hold of our destiny;

Decades of greed, plague, famine and war,
We can’t go on like this anymore;
Lost in the night-- fading from sight,
Is this the final setting sun?”

Symphony X – “A Fool’s Paradise”
The final chapter~ :D



I wasn’t able to sleep at all that night. After the vision, Abu was sleeping so soundly, which came as a surprise to me. The morning after, I talked with Abu after we paid the innkeeper our dues and set off for the desert.

“Friend,” I said, “Were you aware of what happened last night?”

“Is something the matter, sire?” Abu asked. “I knew not of what happened to me. All I remember was our supper and you asking me about Atlantis.”

“Friend, I tell you of the most outrageous vision,” I blurted with excitement.

“Vision, you say?” Abu asked, with an eyebrow corked up.

“Yes. You were possessed. By.Ma’at. And she spoke to me,” I said.

Abu gazed at me in disbelief. “The Goddess of Order and Truth? Spoke through me, a mere mercenary? I have heard a lot of strange tales, but none stranger than this, Master Octavius.”

“You better believe me, friend. Ma’at spoke to me about what happened to us yesterday, with us stumbling upon Montu-Sekhmet’s temple.”

I then told Abu all that transpired the night before while he listened intently. I can see the incredulity in his eyes, but he listened with patience and an air of inquisitiveness. I told him everything from the creation of Atlantis down to the death of the Goddess.

“All right. I remember my grandfather telling me something. I know not of its relation, if any, to what happened to us, Master, but maybe, just maybe, we are on the verge of realizing something.”

“What is it, Abu?” I asked.
“It was some sort of riddle,” Abu said. And it goes like this:


I paid close attention to the riddle, and found nothing at first. But then I browsed my notes and the manuscript that I wrote down during my vision. Many a mention was made about “The Power of Five”, so I surmised that the number 5 has something to do with the riddle as well. Further readings from my journey notes revealed that the Egyptians practiced astrology side by side with their polytheistic religion. Therefore I deduced that “Beyond the Skies” would mean “planets”. I read some more from my notes, then I shuddered. “Eureka! Abu, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are truly a godsend.”

“What, perchance, are you thanking me for, Master Octavius?” Abu asked, with an inexplicable look on his face.

“The speaks of five planets, aligning in a certain symmetry. On that day, the Titans will clash on an ethereal longer shall one lord over the other. They will be evenly matched,” I read aloud from my notes, while explaining it to Abu.

“So you mean to say that there will come a day when Montu-Sekhmet and Ptah-Khnemu will face each other, on even footing?” Surely that is a fool’s hope!” Abu couldn’t find it himself to believe at first. When I told him that Ma’at entrusted to him how the cycle of negativity perpetrated by The Progenitor of Aberrations, for all its might, will still fall on that fateful day, he fell silent.

After a moment that seemed like an eternity, Abu spoke. “I am reminded of another of my grandfather’s final words, Master. On his deathbed, he told me:


Upon hearing that, I looked back at my notes and the manuscript. I was elated. Could it be...? And it was.

“Friend, once the Titans, Montu-Sekhmet and Ptah-Khnemu, face each other, we have a chance that comes by but once in a millennium, if we are able to live that long, that is.”

Abu still looked puzzled. I continued, “We can stave off this cycle, and stop it once and for all! That is the key to regaining the Balance that once was present on our Earthly plane.”

“Pray tell, what can a mercenary and a scholar do by themselves?” Abu the skeptic asked.
I gave Abu the lengthy manuscript that I diligently transcribed while speaking with the Goddess. “Friend, this is the reason why you have this manuscript in your hands right now. We will spread this all over the world, for people to learn from it. In that way, we will able to evoke action, and stop this cycle from rearing its ugly head yet again.”

Abu merely nodded in agreement. After a pause, he said, “I see it all clearly now, Master. I surmise that the gods may have indeed brought us together. I know not what kind of divine symmetry brought our paths to cross, but I am thankful for that nonetheless.”

“So am I, Abu. So am I,” I replied.

Upon my departure for London, I paid Abu’s wages handsomely. I did not pay because I felt I had to, but I paid him because I was able to discover myself along with the secrets of antiquity. I paid him because I was able to learn with him as much as he did from me.

In closing, it would be my wish for you, the reader, not to just take this chronicle of sorts sitting down. Rather, I implore upon you to learn from it and live it in your ordinary life. In that manner, you have assured, to a certain extent, the redemption of our world and the survival of our race.



“Choose the way—Five paths there for you to find,
turn the page—the question lies between the lines;
Can we change?”

Symphony X – “Rediscovery II: The New Mythology”
not bad. I wouldn't talk of yourself (the character) in past tense in your prologue - ie "I lived in the 17th century" but rather allude to that time period using present tense, to make yourself appear more alive, more realistic.

Interesting idea.