The Odyssey being made into a movie

kosh said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard Sean Bean will play the part of Odysseus, as he did in Troy. :kickass:

*gets happydazedhopeful look*

I was saying after Troy that they needed to make the sequel with Sean Bean reprising his role. :)
Sean Bean is the best actor ever. If you were in the UK a few years ago, you may have had the honour of seeing the best drama/war series ever - Sharpe - which starred Sean Bean as the title character who went around kicking arse in the Napoleonic war.
Yes I loooove Sean Bean, and am actually dying to see more of his movies. Wish I could have seen Sharpe.

Jaimek said:
I was saying after Troy that they needed to make the sequel with Sean Bean reprising his role. :)
Strange I was saying that too when I saw Troy because I love him so much and that would be GREAT if they did The Odyssey with him starring!! (hyperventilates)

I only hope it wouldnt suck as much as Troy did but then I wouldnt care anyway..The only reason I wanted to see Troy was to see Sean (and Brads muscles but thats another story) so I wasnt really too disappointed with that now was I. Oh yeah and of course Eric Bana rocked in it, so I cant fault him there. But anyway back on the Odyssey topic...

If they did a new remake of it with Sean, it would be cool if someone submitted SyX's Odyssey to the producers and they used it, but chances of that happening..pretty slim..maybe a talented fan could use film footage (if the movie ever gets done) to make a clip to the odyssey like they did for BG's LOTR thing, now that would be great.

Unfortunately though, its all just a pipe dream for now, I dont see anywhere that says theres even another remake in the works let alone one starring Sean, but I do see plenty of people asking for one so who knows, there may be hope yet.
I lurve Sean, have since he rode onto the screen in FotR. Have a thing for Jason Isaacs, too - something about men from northern England with pretty eyes who play great villains and are often the only good part of some really shitty movies.

It only seems logical to do The Odyssey. Although the way he was written in Troy, Odysseus was lacking the supreme arrogance that pissed off Poseidon in the first place...
the velorium camper said:
the Odyssey already is a movie

symphony x got the concept from the book the odyssey. the book came was written before the movie.

no way, everyone knows that this "Homer" guy and MJR collaborated and wrote the Odyssey. although since not a whole lot is known about this "Homer", all signs are pointing to the fact that MJR is in fact Homer, and wanted to keep his literary and musical works seperate.
Jaimek said:
It only seems logical to do The Odyssey. Although the way he was written in Troy, Odysseus was lacking the supreme arrogance that pissed off Poseidon in the first place...
I'm sure Sean could muster up some arrogance somewhere and we'd still love him for it.
Or at the very least have the Champion of Ithaca bit at the end. That would be supercool - with Sean Bean going around Ithaca slaying people with Champion of Ithaca playing. I'd watch it just for that.
the odysey (still cant spell it) would be great for ending credits. The credits would be over about a quarter of the way thru and i guarntee you that I will be the only one in that theater at the end.
Yeah, it'll probably happen.

When hell freezes over, that is. :D

Seriously, most people don't even know Symphony X exists. I can't image one of their songs appearing on a movie soundtrack.