The Odyssey live

i dont remember exactly but the yes he does take over some of the orchestra parts on guitar. It doesnt sound exactly like the cd cause of this of course but it works.
The Metal Chick said:
I thought it was incredible how the two of them could pull off a whole symphony of sounds. I think they should do that on the studio recordings because it sounds so awesome.

Agreed. I always thought V sounded better on the live album because it was really cool to see how creatively they could break up the symphonic parts to be performed as a 4 peice band.
anyone who went to the LI show at the Downtown, you notice that during the end part of the Odyssey right before going into the Homecoming finale, where there's a harp strumming sound on the album, MJR somehow strums a chord way up high on the neck with some muting or something and recreates the harp sound ALMOST PERFECTLY:OMG:, I was amazed.