The Offical Awesome Stuff Thread


Lord of the Whisky
Sep 21, 2002
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ITT, we discuss the most excellent things in life that rule supremely.

I shall begin with two. First, sushi/sashimi/nigiri. Spicy scallops, red snapper, uni, spicy tuna. The world is a better place for this cuisine.

A well brewed oatmeal stout. Truly one of the most wonderful of beers.

The smell of the cool morning in the mountains. It's like cocaine as far as beautiful, earthy smells go. Crisp, teases the tongue with freshness. :kickass:
birds singing, clear sky's, museli and yogurt,chai lattes,encyclopedia britannica,my mobile,handbooks,speed metal.

Definately sex.

I also like cold days, scarfs, rain, large headphones, log/coal fires, mountains, old leathery books, old libraries, Gucci Rush perfume (that stuff drives me nuts!), blueberries, all sorts of beers and ales, traditional pubs, seedy glasgow pubs, worn-in jeans, watermelon lip balm, kinder chocolate, subwoofers, holding hands, unsweetended coffee, smooth wooden tables, remote controls, my old running shoes, watermelon and lime shower gel, fleecy bed sheets and sideburns.
oooooh where shall I begin?
I think so many things are great and awesome...

*definitely sushi (good point for Jim)
* My dog when he pets his head on me- nothing beats your pet when they show you true love!
* ok: true love :D
* travel to interesting places and see them for the first time... your mind never forgets the first image
* Good red wine with good company
* goat cheese
*berries: any kind. LOVE berries
* Nauhaus, Milka, and Tobleron Chocolate!
* cats! I LOVE cats.
* music.... my main thing.
* forests
* animals, I love them :)
* clothes/ shoes - hey what can I say..I'm a girl. when I buy a great pair of shoes, I'm happy.
* when someone smiles at you - I hate to sound like a cliche, but really.

I'm afraid that if I'll go on, someone will send me to the hippie-institute :D
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Reactions: Captain Beard
-Great photographs
-Taking great photographs
-Kind buds
-Awesome basslines
-Writing awesome basslines
-My band and the guys in it
-All my friends
-My family
-My job
-Receiving the Unsung Hero Award at work (today!!) and getting a nice bonus for it
-Widmer Hefeweisen
I'm a hippy, born and bred. Woodstock, NY was my home for nearly 20 years. :D

Tea: Green, Black, Mate, I live on it.
The sky. Its always inspiring.
Good food, good drink, good company, good music
Reason, rationality
sex and sensuality
Altruism. Doesn't get any better than that, ladies and gents.

Oh, and blue slurpees. Nums!
And additional one that I have (sadly) not experienced in a very long time: the little wave of delight of hugging a woman and breathing in her hair and how she seems to slip right inside my embrace and radiate soft warmth.
Romantic prose, its diffiuclt to say anything that has never been said before. Not that one shouldn't try but it is likely that Blake and Wordworth already said it. :)
I'm thinking of She Was a Phantom of Delight, in particular. But yep, Blake was always gonna be the one to steal my heart and refuse to give it back.