The Offical Awesome Stuff Thread

I am too lazy to read through all of the posts, so someone else might have already mentioned:

the feeling of sinking down into a hot bath. I love it. Also:

when Blitz knows I'm sad or upset, and he puts his paw and head on my lap and gives me the concerned doggie look.

getting a package or card in the mail.

fluffy beds with lots of pillows.

when my hair is perfectly straight and clean and I don't have to brush through a million tangles.

warm, clean, good smelling towels.

huuuuuuuge bath tubs.

having perfectly waxed eyebrows.

a nice manicure.

stumbling upon something awesome (a movie, band or book for example) that you never knew about, and falling in love with it. I've just done this recently with the Forsyte Saga.

finally being able to travel to a place you've read about or always wanted to visit.

photos of my friends, family, and animals on my desk at work.

tex-mex food.

waking up in the middle of the night to a storm.

I'm afraid I must be blunt.

Dear blackwaternymph,
You're hot

I would like to (not so humbly) add my cooking to this list. I just made grilled swordfish with a glaze of citrus, rice wine vinegar, and many other secret ingredient and is quite amazing. With it I'm having a fresh fruit salad: strawberries, grapes, mango, and blood orange with a light little dressing of honey and brandy (very light).
MajestikMøøse;5689677 said:

-getting a great idea for a story
-making something of that idea and in the process, reaching a point where the words you're writing are too fluid and too good to be your own
-finishing said story
-laughing so hard that you can't breathe, then not being able to fully remember what you were laughing about
-absolute comfort with another human being
-good food; the costly fancy-restaurant kind that you only get every once in a while, or the greasy, filling, diner-kind
-puppies, kitties, chocolate, long showers; all that girly stuff
-all those weird fancy gourmets coffees and cliched little coffee houses, especially when you're enjoying them with friends you haven't seen in a long time
-idle chat/meaningful conversation with someone you love and respect
-books, movies
-walking into someone's house for thanksgiving/x-mas and everything's warm and food's cooking, etc
-the person who calls me "Squishcake"
brainwashing a young woman into loving me

a good meal

someone surprising you with something

having a professional recording of yourself

having someone tell you they love you

accomplishing one of your goals

a can of pepsi after it was in the freezer for a certain length of time... not frozen, but not fully liquid... in its own ice.

finishing a song you've been working on for a while

any kind of compliment

random phone calls from anyone (yes, even you Zanex! hahaha)

the time bands take to talk to their fans
Pizza, black shoes, kilts, tomato soup, mustard, plain black t-shirts, plain grey/blue t-shirts, crisp and cold days and manly sideburns.