The official post-ECB Thread August 5th


Division Vocalist
Feb 20, 2004
Thanks to everyone who came out and supported us. Despite technical difficulties, I think it's fair to say the band really enjoyed ourselves. Special thanks to Jeff and RE-Aligned for giving us the great opportunity to be successful our first trip into ECB. Lookin' forward to more.

and yes, sometimes we do run into each other up there.
I DO have to thank Dawn, though; the breeze she created during Damage, Inc with her hair was very welcome, since it was sweltering in there LOL
Don't start me on the abuse of the smoke machine though; oi, hope I can sing tonight LOL I've been hacking my fool head off...

It was, as usual, a great show, and I SWEAR I will remember to upload my pics this time, LOL I got some really nice ones when the flash wasn't bouncing off the smoke ;)
I had a great time!

I dig ECB a lot - hopefully we'll be back soon. They gave me my first ever Division drum solo. Too bad they picked the most challenging part of the night for me to go solo (that damned last verse in Damage)!!! Those bastards!

Definitely, thanks to all to attended!

PS - that has to be the first time i've ever been to a pool hall w/o playing a single game. What's up with that?
Oogadee Boogadee said:
I had a great time!

I dig ECB a lot - hopefully we'll be back soon. They gave me my first ever Division drum solo. Too bad they picked the most challenging part of the night for me to go solo (that damned last verse in Damage)!!! Those bastards!

Definitely, thanks to all to attended!

PS - that has to be the first time i've ever been to a pool hall w/o playing a single game. What's up with that?

Uh, James, we kept playing during "Damage". Just the PA went out. Guess that means you could only hear us in the monitors, huh? :lol:
Hopefully they'll get the sound setup right since it was a new system :) I'm sure the guys at ECB were getting frustrated with it.

And, NO MORE SMOKE MACHINES. Sheesh. Why on earth do people think those are good things in indoor venues?
Bearing in mind smoke makes it hard to takepics, and I'm nowhere near a pro, here are the pics I took from that night!

I am pleased to say I managed to get a pic of Dave where he does not look like he's relieving himself in his pants :)
"Yyyyyyyyyyyy. Mmm... C. A.!!!"
