The Old Dead tree

There's nothing wrong with traintravelling... in june I'm going to visit my parents in France, and it's 7 hours from Ghent to Toulon by TGV... You just need a discman and a book. Maybe a hat to pull over your eyes so people don't start talking to you.
That's nothing. Last summer I travelled from sunday night till late tuesday evening by trains to get from Stockholm to Ancona (Italy) 'cause I wanted to get to Greece quickly. Obviously there where a few stops because of the train changes... *man* :cool:

Probly doing the same trip this year, hah. I like trains...
if you don't want to talk to people on a train just make eye contact and smile at everyone as they get on, they wont say a word. Nobody will sit beside you either . Unless they're wierdos, in which case yer shagged :)
Nina said:
You lucky ******!!! I want to go there too!!! But I guess I'll have to wait till 10th of may... :Smug:

Just come over here Nina, we'll have a great night, Mehdi, you and me ... Neo-Doom and ice creams ;) BTW I'm a boss at finding my way in the subway so no worries :p
Shit, I wanted to come to Gent on May 10th but ... Coming by train is way too expensive and I cant find enough lads who like kata to come with me by car in order to split the fuel and highway costs. Coming alone by car costs almost as much as coming by train .... Fuck it ... no Kata this year :waah:
Crack Hitler said:
If you don't want to talk to people on a train you just have to come to Finland for train-traveling...

haha ! I think ' It's the same for everyone ' ; people are so suspicious against each other in public transports here too! It's justified in a way since the incredible number of aggressions and robberies and even rapes in trains here .... But I don't mind ... I just want to be alone with my doom thoughts and me music in me head when travelling ... don't you talk to me strangers ! I don't know you so I hate you by principle ... :Spin: :loco: :Spin:
cedarbreed said:
Just come over here Nina, we'll have a great night, Mehdi, you and me ... Neo-Doom and ice creams ;) BTW I'm a boss at finding my way in the subway so no worries :p
Shit, I wanted to come to Gent on May 10th but ... Coming by train is way too expensive and I cant find enough lads who like kata to come with me by car in order to split the fuel and highway costs. Coming alone by car costs almost as much as coming by train .... Fuck it ... no Kata this year :waah:

I wish I could go... my problem is I will not drive to Paris alone. It's for sure I'll get lost, even before seeing any metro, on the other hand, I live in Ghent, and it's 'only' two weeks later... *sighs* By the way, I don't really like Katatonia... weird, music is super, vocals too, their sound is unique, they're just my style,... and I don't really like them. Something is missing. Strange.
Nina said:
I wish I could go... my problem is I will not drive to Paris alone. It's for sure I'll get lost, even before seeing any metro, on the other hand, I live in Ghent, and it's 'only' two weeks later... *sighs* By the way, I don't really like Katatonia... weird, music is super, vocals too, their sound is unique, they're just my style,... and I don't really like them. Something is missing. Strange.

Well too bad but I can easily understand... ( Kata don't play tomorrow it's TODT headlining )

and remember, support the scene :
Yeah a TODT forum would be great.
And it's the same problem for me and Ghent... Not enough people to go with me by car and it costs too much alone, be it by train or car
Damn, it's stupid, isn't it... I wish I could pick you up somewhere half between Ghent and Paris or something, so you could see Katatonia. Then you could take me to Dunois tomorrow... *wishfull thinking*

I've added a reply to the TODT board topic :Spin:
Nina said:
Damn, it's stupid, isn't it... I wish I could pick you up somewhere half between Ghent and Paris or something, so you could see Katatonia. Then you could take me to Dunois tomorrow... *wishfull thinking*

I've added a reply to the TODT board topic :Spin:

Thanks for the proposal :lol: but yeah it's utopic :(
Anyway let's get them a forum !!!!!