The Old Man's Looking on ME....


IRC USEnet Torrent NYC
Sep 23, 2005
BROOKLYN, GreenPoint
What the FU*K is the board doing?, Where is it going?, Why does it belong...? ...and where is the FU*K'en focus on the Point..


ANTHRAX...NO! METAL...No,Yes,No,Yes... (Maybe Anthrax)...Or..

Some other bullshit, Like BLA BLA BLA (some band, I Seen, Ya Ya)

THIS is the reason METAL died in the 90's

Since all these brother's are coming back together in the last few years, I'm sooo happy to see original lineup's now...

I now look at my old Man who is 66, and gets a woody when there is a dooWop show in Greenpoint, NY (Brooklyn) and around the TRI-STATE

But one day i'm going to be looking like that, and understand .
What she said. :err:

By the way, if metal died in the 90's, noone told me.

(or pantera, machine head, sepultura, helmet, prong, etc.etc) :Smug:
"The internet is a communications tool used the world over, where people can come together to bitch about movies and Metal and share pornography with one another."

maybe you should get into another form of music then. rap was big in the 90's and is still going strong today. check it out. if you need to feel a part of a popular music scene. you can yell about bitches and ho's sucking your dick and bump your car stereo. i'm sure they have room for one more assclown in their network of morons.
dutchy said:
putting out 1 good album a band isn't enough!!!
I agree, metal is dead in the 90's!!!

Well, I hear your case for Machine Head (couldn't agree more, actually) but you think Helmet only put out one good record???? :OMG:
thraxx said:
"The internet is a communications tool used the world over, where people can come together to bitch about movies and Metal and share pornography with one another."

With the emphasis on porn. :loco: :grin: :hotjump:
Don't forget FEAR FACTORY. They came out in the 90's.

To start my day, I used DEMANUFACTURE as an alarm clock.

To end it, I use porn.