The one good thing about the upcoming seriously intense worldwide war


Nov 9, 2001
Since so many other countries have the ability to do massive damage to the U.S., if someone fires nukes at all our major cities and resources or whatever, I bet the government will whip out the ALIEN TECHNOLOGY that they've been concealing since 1947!

We'll be at the brink of extinction and the government will finally have to give in and decide that survival is more important than keeping the stuff secret any longer. So it'll be all like Hello Mr. Putin, check out my GREEN VAPOR RAY.
well, that could totally happen.
what could also happen is that we'll be taken over and you'll be some other dude's bitch.

prep with the post of the day.

seriously, that alien tech will either:

a.) benefit only the 200 people that control the world, who will most likely be sheltered in an abandoned Deros outpost

b.) we will owe the aliens hardcore, and like prep said, we WILL be their bitch.
um...we're already using earth-shattering alien technology that has changed our lives forever, dude.



honestly, like all the recent wars since new technology has been developed have been rather small scale. But imagine, in the event of a nuclear scale war, there'll be all sorts of secret weapons broken out.. like firepower won't be restricted to phallic missile firing.. nations could use things like HAARP technology or even teleport a bomb right into Baghdad and not even worry about fly-overs. As a defense mechanism, a 2-dimensional wormhole opened above the eastern seaboard swallowing any missile that nears it. Or, somehow pull a huge asteroid down from space right onto the middle east.
This stuff is totally possible today and will absolutely be de-classified if we're on the brink of extinction.

:) :) :)
technically the asteroid wouldn't have to be that enormous, because it would travel at around 45,000 km/hr
and therefore whatever diamter the rock is, the hole it will create on impact will be 50 times the size.
also PAIN RAYS are supposed to be in use this time, that microwave the surface of soldiers' skins causing agonizing pain but leaving them with no permanent damage beyond sunburn-ish reddening!
Bombs that send a fine MDMA mist across the desert causing all the enemies to roll around, rubbing their chests and exclaiming how amazing the sand feels between their toes.