the only difference between stereo amp and power amp?


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
So...basically the main difference between a STEREO AMP whether a high end home theater receiver/amp or a basic stereo amp is the manufactured EQUALIZATION(besides the frequency range and impedance) in the consumer STEREO AMP.

Meaning its built to have a certain sound/color to sound good to the consumer ear...

where as a power amp for studio monitors just powers the speakers with no manufactured tone and you create the color and sound.

So thats the biggest difference right? And that difference is the difference between night and day?
You are kinda all over the place on all your posts I've seen so far, and it's hard to get an idea of what you are trying to do bud.

But, judging by your questions you've asked I can tell you are trying to find some cheap ways into a studio setup.

Take my advice- don't cheap out on monitors. I'm not saying you have to go buy Genelecs or Event Opals, but really, with what you said you bought in your other post, you could have just saved up a tiny bit more and got something 10 gazzillion times better.

Anyways, back OT, don't buy or use a home theater amp. Just buy something that was meant for studio monitors. I use a cheap as hell Hafler for my NS-10's and it is a great flat/clear amp. If you would use a home stereo, you would be getting into all sorts of crap components that don't need to be in there for a monitor amp.

Unless of course you are talking a high end, like really high end, hi-fi amp. Those are meant to be flat as hell and the price shows it(talking thousands of dollars here). You won't see EQ controls on those.
It's sort of pointless to go into this level of detail but there are all sort of issues to consider including the input level, balanced vs unbalanced and unnecessary (undesirable) gain and eq stages on a consumer receiver. You need to consider that you are paying for a lot of things you simply don't want or need (surround? tons of rca inputs? EQ?) while sacrificing what you do need (balanced inputs, clean power).
You're kind of lost at sea here. You should really try to find someone in your area to help you learn the basics.
Sorry, no one around here is interested in music the way i am. Everyone is interested in partying, AMERICAN IDOL, and jersey shore here in orange county, CA. This forum and the internet is basically all i have to learn the basics. But ive definitely progressed by reading several forums and threads so i appreciate honest and knowledgeable answers. Thanks for your time.
A good starting point for us to help you out, would be to list everything you have so far gear wise, like PC specs, DAW type, interface, etc. Also list your budget.

Then we can give you some advice on what you can do to get a good startup.
I'll try to make this as simple as possible.
-AMD Athlon Dual Core 64 2.21 ghz
-2.00 Gb of RAM
-Windows XP Sp3
-Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS (vid card probably doesnt matter)
-sound blaster audigy z (came with interface and remote control)
-a jackson DK2M with seymore duncans
-bass guitar i borrowed from a friend
-SD Metal Foundry Drums 2.0 (sometimes addictive drums)
-I use CUBASE and REAPER (preferably cubase)
-I have so many plugins such as SOLOc, nicks plugins, SIR2, waves C4, slate digital gfx. Amplitube2 metal, sonik synth2
I can go on and on.

I just bought a line6 toneport ux2 interface basically has
-1 instrument 1/4 1 pad 1/4 2 XLR inputs
-2 1/4 analog outs (left and right)

I also have a CASIO keyboard CTK-720 but mainly i use GUITAR PRO to write out keyboards save as midi and use sonik snyth to mix the sound.

As far as speakers go I use passive ROLAND RSM-90s connected to a stereo receiver for now.

I think might next step is to probably invest in a decent pair of monitors? correct?
-I use CUBASE and REAPER (preferably cubase)
-I have so many plugins such as SOLOc, nicks plugins, SIR2, waves C4, slate digital gfx. Amplitube2 metal, sonik synth2

Dude I hate to point out the obvious here but if you start listing that you have waves plugins in conjunction with the lower end gear then people are gonna come at you like flies to shit for pirating because its pretty obvious this stuff is not cash priority.
I have one simple rule. No Audiophile (audiophool) junk. If you can't afford pro then get prosumer, and flip it later. Always best to be patient and save up a little and get the stuff you really want though.

You need a new computer. Get rid of that SoundBlaster shite too.
new computer? theres nothing wrong with my puter. And way to stereotype just because i have certain plugins doesn't automatically make me a pirate. No cash priority? excuse me but some people have families/mates and kids to feed, certain things are just hobbies things to do on your leisure time.
And way to stereotype just because i have certain plugins doesn't automatically make me a pirate. No cash priority? excuse me but some people have families/mates and kids to feed, certain things are just hobbies things to do on your leisure time.

Ya and spending $5000 on the Waves Bundle was a good investment when you have kids to feed, and bills to pay, not to mention you dont even have a decent set of Monitors right ......

UGHHH ... Dude you fucking pirated it, D/L'd a fucking torrent, just admit it and we will all move on to helping you .........

Anyway ... go out and get yourself a set of KRK Rockit 5's they are on sale right now I think they are like $250 for the pair. If you cant afford it sell you "non cracked" Waves Plugins for $1000 with the license codes and you will be able to buy Monitors, a Better PC, and a better interface.

new computer? theres nothing wrong with my puter.

ummm yes there is you have a 10 year old Operating System, too little RAM, and a piece of shit sound card.