The dust has settled... Positive Grid Amp?

Thanks for your thoughts!

I'm happy with the interface as it is. If, by "nicer," you mean skeuomorphic, it's not going to happen. I have considered adding some user theme options, though.

Anyway, I didn't intend to derail the thread. FWIW, I try demos of every competing product out there, but I'm not going to comment on any of them unless I have nice things to say. :)
i love bias, to me it has a rounder attack than most amp sims i've tried. only problem is there is a bug that forces me to pull up each instance of it to make it act right each time i load a session. i wish i could ditch it for something like emissary which has way cooler tone sculpting options, but there is something about the preamp tube modelling in bias that i really like.