the "or" game

We have a vizsla, well, not home-made cause she's German.

The thing is I always buy some beads and I end up wearing one or two necklaces out of the collection. But I love buying them.
i always lose my watch, so my mobile. though mostly i just ask what time it is.


A Leaf said:
i'm not feeling ok, i'm getting seriously ill.. :cry: my stomach turns :ill: headache killing me, i'm cold and i'm sure i have fever.. i can puke all over the place any time. there's a small bug walking around on my desk.

being ill with your mom taking care of you
being healthy and on your own

i have no moms here! :cry:

Are you felling better? Hope so! :)
you guys make me stomach turn
soaked cum mixed with discharge, and blood.

ok, you're on the road, you have to take a pee.
do it in the woods (ladies too) or wait for the next gas station?