the origins of metal?


Sep 28, 2003
not really, but by chance I caught Chuck Berry perform tonight and it was awesome. Said he turns 79 next week. Unbelievable- a great showman with a strong presence (he's tall). I don't know about how 'metal' it was, but the man is rock & roll! He put on a great show - lots of fun. Just thought I'd share.
There'd be no rock n' roll without Berry. No Beatles, no Stones.

Anyway, I remember an interview years ago where Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman said that wouldn't have picked up a guitar if it hadn't been for Hendrix.
chuck berry ......Was arrested for having cameras in the female toilets of his Southern Air restaurant.
yeah rock n' roll my man !!!
he probley was playing with his ding a ling back in the office
Little Richard was the king of Rockn' Roll. Elvis basically ripped him off. Chuck Berry was the first real rock Guitarist. These two guys eventually evolved into Anthrax.