The Oscars


Unrepentant sentient
Jan 26, 2002
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So, LOTR finally gained the recognition it deserved, claiming 11 awards and being the only movie to claim all the awards it was nominated for since Ben Hur and Gigi. Congrats Peter Jackson, your hard work and dedication paid off.

On a second note, best actor. What the hell happened there? In my opinion (piratic and biased as it may be), Johnny Depp was absolutely robbed. His character was by far the most amusing and incredible I have seen in a movie for years; even Bill Murray in Lost in Translation deserved that award more than Sean Penn. Did anyone here manage to sit through all of Mystic River before growing bored and leaving?

Robbed I tell you. Robbed :cry:
Call who ever you want. I stil lthink you should focus on curing cancer, or world domination via your eye, not this silly bullshit. Who knows, maybe they'll think its all pointless as well. Why are we arguing about this on here whilst we are talking on MSN?

*returns to topic* I haven't seen either Sean Penn or Johnny Depp in their respective roles, but knowing Johnny Depp never fails with delivering quality acting, yes indeed, he was robbed :p
LOTR:ROTK deserved some of the awards but not all. I still think it's the best movies ever made. I would have liked them even more if they had stayed true to the books, or if I had never read the books. I still have a hard time getting over some of the changes.
Regarding Sean Penn winning, I'd say that's a matter of sense of equilibrium. Johnny Deep was awesome, yet too excentric. And Bill Murray starred in a movie away from the usual Hollywood standards, so the Oscar went to the most balanced character, and Sean Penn was pretty good, even when Mystic River was slow as hell!!!

Child of Time said:
Since I wrote he, I probably don't mean you...
Correct, I thought you meant Johnny Depp ;) But the question still remains; who fancies him enough to find him teh sexy? Me? Ben? Nick? Or... do you have something you'd like to share with us? ;)
i was half asleep during the last 20 minutes of lotr:rotk, so i must assume to justify the oscar, those 20 minutes are astonishingly beautiful and deliver some very interesting dialogues together with a brand new approach to filming. :p
I wish Naomi Watts had won best actress for 21 Grams, instead of Charlize Theron. Watts's performance in that was just incredible -- making this the first time I've actually cared who won the damn award.

And I think Sean Penn definitely deserved to win, even though I love Johnny Depp too. I had problems with Mystic River, but not for the reasons you all give. I loved it until it all went to shit in the last 10 minutes or so.
Lina said:
I loved it until it all went to shit in the last 10 minutes or so.
i think this might also summarize hyena's feeling for last week-end. :p refer to the feelings thread for further information. in a while. when i've become enough of a writer to deliver.
Yes, I have just returned from the feelings thread, marveling that you and hyena are actually two different people, despite the identical styles of writing. :tickled: