The other Saxon

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Dickie Davis


I've heard Re Landed and honestly thought it sounded like a poor Saxon covers band.
Olly and Dobby's work does sound good but the vocalist is fuckin' awful. From reports i've heard from people who have seen them live they are suppose to be pretty poor as well.

I also got Pandemonium Circus the Dobby solo album, and it is shite. Trully awful

However Graham Olivers End of an Era is quite a bit better. Some great guitaring on that one.

None of these are a patch on the Son of a Bitch album though. They should have carried that on and maintained a level of credibility from the REAL Saxon fans.

I also have Re-landed. I quite like the version of Power and Glory, but the rest of it is pretty poor.

Haven't heard the Son of a bitch album myself but I've heard it's meant to be pretty good. I agree with Dickie, Oliver/Dawson should have stuck with the Son of a bitch tag, rather then try and con people into thinking they are the real Saxon. I'm sure lots of people must have gone to see them not knowing there is another Saxon (and the real Saxon), and they are in fact not really seeing Saxon at all. If they had stuck with the Son of a bitch name, and concentrated on writing new stuff (as well as playing the old Saxon songs live), then I'm sure they would have a lot more respect, and have more real Saxon fans going to see them.


I've only heard 747 från re:landed. I thought it was pretty good, heavy but I don't like the vocalist...

I've also heard most of the Victim you album and it's ok, nothing great but it works. Some heavy stuff. But again, the vocalist is no good.

These albums are almost impossible to get here in Sweden otherwise I wouldn't mind getting them...

Some time ago I argued with a guy who had seen Saxon on the ferry to Finland. He was talking about Biff and his great performance without even knowing that it wasn't Biff on stage. Pretty sad when people know about Biff and then goes to see the other Saxon without knowing that it's not Biff and the real Saxon they are watching...

First post for a while - had to re-register. I saw the other lot about 2/3 years ago and it was a play list of stuff from 1984-1988 with some of their crap thrown in.

Steve Dawson was ill and replaced by a 20 year old skinhead who couldn't play the bass.

About 150 people turned up and I bet 95% didn't know that they were watching a F***ing Tribute band.

Shame on you Oliver/Dawson.

Victim You is a decent album. Too bad they didn't stick with the Son Of A Bitch name.

Didn't know Oliver had a solo album out though. Is it hard to come by?

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