The Ozzfest 2010 Bashing Extravaganza

Chris Catharsis

Robot Douche Lord ov Deth
May 3, 2010
Statesboro, GA
I searched for an appropriate thread in which to express my utter disgust for the Ozzfest 2010 line-up, but aside from the one that kept referencing ProgPower, I came up empty. Ergo, I made this. Delete or move as needed.

Main Stage: Ozzy Osbourne, Motley Crue, Halford, DevilDriver, Nonpoint

As much as I wish Ozzy would just retire already, his crippled geriatric ass HAS to be there in order to grant SOME degree of legitimacy to this shitfest. The Crue is a real snoozer and Halford just makes you wish Judas Priest was there instead. DevilDriver? Meh. They seem misplaced, certainly not main stage material. But Nonpoint? Fucking NONPOINT?! I realize this god awful band is on the rise again (why, I'll never know) but they DEFINITELY aren't main stage material. It will never be 1999-2000 again and I don't want anyone to try and convince me otherwise.

Second Stage: Black Label Society, Drowning Pool, Kingdom of Sorrow, Goatwhore, Skeletonwitch, Saviours, Kataklysm

Black Label is another ho-hum obvious choice. Drowning Pool Kingdom of Sorrow, like Halford, just makes you wish Crowbar was there instead. Kataklysm is okay. Goatwhore, Skeletonwitch, and Saviours are the only good additions to this poor excuse for a festival. At least you can watch all 3 of them early on and then get the hell out of Dodge.

I've never liked Ozzfest and this line-up just reinforces that feeling for me. They didn't even fucking try.

Ozzfest has been fairly lame for... ever?

Goatwhore would be kinda cool to see live... and even Kataklysm if they played any of their older stuff.
I really expected more uproar over this. MOTLEY FUCKING CRUE is headlining Ozzfest, guys! They've never had such a craptastic headliner before. They've had a lot of bad bands, but this is fucking Motley Crue! Worst excuse for a metal band since history began!

Oh well. I wasn't going to go anyway.
I think if we go by tr00 metal standards, one of the Ozzfests in the early 2000's takes the "worst ever" cake. But at least those line-ups sort of made sense. This one? Not so much. It's a hodgepodge of fail.
Motley Crue kicks ass! Kill yourself. :kickass:


Although they have been shit ever since Feelgood, with the exceptions of an alternative mix of Misunderstood and the song If I Die Tomorrow (I liked it, anyways), which wasn't ever even released.

But yeah, Ozzfest is shit. Big fucking surprise.
Motley Crue are awesome. I saw them in Japan in fall 2008 and they still kick ass and didn't play any of their terrible newer material.

Nonpoint though? I thought they died after releasing "What A Day" back when I was in middle school. So basically what the OP said.

Goatwhore are great live. Never seen the others. Wait, I saw Devildriver once and I thought they sucked.
Goatwhore and Kataklysm are pretty good live, but nothing special (as on record). I wouldn't mind seeing Ozzy, BLS and Skeletonwitch, and I'd rather see Crue than any scene/core or nu-metal band tbh.