The pearls of wisdom thread?

1) Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know which piece will give you the squirts :heh:

2) The ultimate safety slogan - Be careful - Or you might DIE!
Be suspicious of anyone who says "life is...".

Yes. Unsolicited advice in such matters is pretty much useless at best and a distraction otherwise.

Let us hear your pearls of wisdom?

Today mine is live for today for tomorrow is too far away:headbang:
A few words that might prove useful to some, as they were to me:

1 - 'To thine own self be true'. Live at all times to the highest aspiration you have. Work to make your aspiration higher and make your actions follow. Do it now, tomorrow rarely comes, and when it does, it comes too late.

2 - Get a life. Idealism is lovely, but will never pay the rent.

3 - You're always going to think you know what it's all about, you'll always be wrong of course. Your consciousness, identity, attachments and beliefs are what make you, so you can't know where you're going to be next, but it will always be bigger, better and brighter if you work at it. Don't be put off by others, or what you don't understand. Things can become clear by being brave enough to try them. What's the worst that can happen? Feel the fear and do it anyway, as you will read one day. What you truly want to do is the most important thing on the planet, don't give up to begin with, or you'll never know it. When you get down, look around and think: what's the alternative? Spend more time doing nothing but experiencing simple things; the drops of rain on a leaf, the sound of a child laughing...

Oh, and don't bother wasting time talking overly to others. The worker is always hidden in the workshop. ;)
A good one to remember while driving in traffic:

"Being five minutes late wins being forty years too early."
1. Challenge yourself constantly. Force yourself to walk faster, for example. Overcoming challenges builds your spirit, you learn to endure.

2. Never settle for second best when you KNOW you can do better.

3. Never sit around feeling sorry for yourself. That does nothing to improve matters. Get over things you can't change, and deal with the things you CAN change.
I forgot one (applies to musicians and various other things in life):

Start painfully slow, and THEN build up your speed. Control before speed!!!!
"If you feel fear, hatred, envy, or any negative emotion towards any one person, situation or object, look inside, and you will find the source and target of that emotion within yourself. Learn.
If you feel love, respect, honor or any positive emotion towards any one person, situation or object, look inside, and you will find the source and target of that emotion within yourself. Learn."